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EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 556th issue:

Join EFF in Standing up Against Internet Censorship!

There has been a tremendous backlash against WikiLeaks from governments around the world. In the United States, lawmakers have rashly proposed a law that threatens legitimate news reporting well beyond WikiLeaks. We expect to see similar efforts in other countries. Like it or not, WikiLeaks has become the emblem for one of the most important battles for our rights that is likely to come along in our lifetimes. We cannot sit this one out.

EFF Updates

Amazon and WikiLeaks - Online Speech is Only as Strong as the Weakest Intermediary
Amazon cut off WikiLeaks for a supposed violation of the terms of service - demonstrating how corporate policies can be used to suppress free speech on matters of public importance.

Information is the Antidote to Fear: WikiLeaks, the Law, and You
In response to the misunderstandings about the recent WikiLeaks publications, this legal analysis will help counter much of the fear that our government's so-called "war" against WikiLeaks has generated.

The FBI Arbitrarily Covers Up Evidence of Misconduct
The newest documents received in response to EFF's FOIA requests demonstrate how the FBI's arbitrary application of FOIA exemptions are used to hide (or in some instances reveal!) its unlawful activities.

Democratic Underground Responds to Righthaven Copyright Troll Lawsuit
Righthaven is attempting to make a business out of suing websites for copyright infringement, but Democratic Underground decided to stand its ground -- with help from EFF.

Chairman Genachowski’s Next Net Neutrality Proposal: What to Watch For
As the FCC prepares to vote on a new proposal for regulating broadband Internet service, here are a few things to watch out for in the newest chapter of the net neutrality debate.


Initial Thoughts on Microsoft IE9 Tracking Protection Announcement
Microsoft competes on privacy with their newly-released Tracking Protection, a built-in feature for Internet Explorer 9 with functionality similar to a Do Not Track mechanism.

2600 Magazine Condemns Denial of Service Attacks
A quarterly journal for the hacker community spoke out against the recent spate of attacks on numerous e-commerce corporations.

Give EFF Swag!
There is still time to pick up great stocking stuffers from EFF's online store. Check out new items including 8", 5.25", and 3.5" EFF floppy disk journals that are a perfect bit of geek irony for old school hardware lovers. We even have Fourth Amendment Shipping Tape for your holiday packages!

Dream Job Alerts!

Criminal Defense Staff Attorney
EFF is seeking a senior staff attorney with a focus on criminal law matters to join our legal team.

Responsibilities will include litigation, public speaking, media outreach, and legislative and regulatory advocacy all in connection with civil liberties and our Coders Rights Project.

For the full announcement and information on how to apply:


ISSN 1062-9424

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, CA
USA +1 415 436 9333
+1 415 436 9993 (fax)

Editor: Rainey Reitman, Activist

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Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express permission.

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2011 International Consumer Electronics Show

Stop by EFF's booth (space 4909) near entrance N3 and meet Kellie Brownell, Development Associate. Learn more about EFF and pick up some cool swag!
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Date: January 6-9, 2011

EFF at RSA Conference USA 2011

Come to the EFF booth at the 2011 RSA Conference! Support your favorite nonprofit while checking out the latest in the infosec industry
Location: San Francisco, CA
Date: February 13, 2011


Join EFF at BSidesSanFrancisco! Security B-Sides is a community driven unconference built for and by information security community members. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Date: February 13, 2011

SOURCE Boston and SOURCE Seattle

EFF is a proud partner of two SOURCE Security Conferences! In addition to advanced technical talks, SOURCE offers workshops on entrepreneurship, management strategies, job interviewing, presentation skills, and proficiencies and strategies designed for the security industry.
Location: Boston, MA
Date: April 20, 2011
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: June 15-16, 2011

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