In our 555th issue:
The U.S. Justice Department, the Department of Homeland
Security, and nine U.S. Attorney's Offices seized 82 domain
names of websites they claim were engaged in the sale and
distribution of counterfeit goods and illegal copyrighted
works. The sites were seized without websites owners given
any advance notice or recourse, and the "raid" swept up
several sites that are hardly in the business of willful
copyright infringement. Could this be a preview of the
overreaching enforcement to come if Congress passes the
Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA)?
EFF launched a new version of HTTPS Everywhere, a security
tool that offers enhanced protection for Firefox browser
users. The new version of HTTPS Everywhere responds to
concerns about online security highlighted earlier this
year by Firesheep, an attack tool that could enable an
eavesdropper on a network to take over a user's web
account. EFF's Firefox add-on creates a default setting
that indicates a preference for encrypted communications.
If the website is configured to allow encryption via HTTPS
(a security practice we believe all major websites should
adopt!) then users of the HTTPS Everywhere add-on can
protect themselves from attacks such as Firesheep.
TSA has been facing intense public heat after instituting
new security proceedings that force people to choose
between an invasive digital strip search or an intense
physical search. TSA defends its practices as necessary to
ensure security -- but there's no evidence that whole-body
scanners make us safer. And at a cost to American
taxpayers of $2.4 billion, we're spending a lot of money on
technology that sacrifices privacy without improving our
EFF Updates
EFF Asks Judges to Protect Identities in Porn-Downloading
EFF called on judges in Texas and West Virginia to deny
requests to unmask individuals facing exposure from
copyright trolls for allegedly downloading pornography, a
move that could embarrass defendants into a quick
settlement regardless of the merits of the suit.
EFF's Guide to Protecting Electronic Devices and Data at
the U.S. Border
While the U.S. Constitution prohibits unreasonable search
and seizure, traveling across the U.S. border may leave
your electronic devices vulnerable to searches by
government agents. Here's how to protect your digital data
at the border.
Microsoft Embraces First Wave of Kinect Innovation
After some initial sword rattling, Microsoft is embracing
the innovation of hardware hackers who reverse-engineered
interactive Kinect software for creative new uses.
Location, Location, Location: Three Recent Court Controversies on Cell Phone & GPS Tracking
In the courts and on Capitol Hill, there is a heated debate
about whether individuals have a right to privacy in the
location data collected by cell phones.
FTC's New Privacy Report Endorses "Do Not Track" Mechanism to Empower Online Consumers
The long-anticipated Federal Trade Commission privacy
report endorses revolutionary approaches to protecting
consumer privacy, including a Do Not Track mechanism
proposed to deal with the complex issue of online
behavioral advertising.
Secrets of the "New Music Industry" that the "Old Music Industry" Doesn't Want to Know
As technology evolves, the music industry can and should
abandon a flawed copyright system in favor of modern,
profitable avenues for creating and distributing music.
Supreme Court to Decide Standard for Proving Invalidity
of a Patent
EFF filed a Supreme Court amicus brief in support of
Microsoft in a case that could help level the patent
playing field for future innovators.
EFF Calls on European Commission to Require a Court Order Before ISP Takedowns
EFF filed comments urging the European Commission to adopt
protections for Internet users' freedom of expression and
privacy rights.
History Sniffing: How YouPorn Checks What Other Porn Sites You’ve Visited
One of the most popular site on the Internet is using a
simple script to check what pornography sites you may have
visited previously.
WikiLeaks - News and Background
The American Civil Liberties Union argues for transparency
in a free democracy in their discussion of the
controversial whistle-blower website WikiLeaks.
YouTube Reinstates Ally ASL's Account?
American Sign Language interpreter Allyson Townsend had her
YouTube account reinstated so the can continue to translate
popular songs to the deaf and hearing-impaired communities
in a clear case of fair use.
Dream Job Alerts!
Criminal Defense Staff Attorney
EFF is seeking a senior staff attorney with a focus on criminal law matters to join our legal team.
Responsibilities will include litigation, public speaking, media outreach, and legislative and regulatory advocacy all in connection with civil liberties and our Coders Rights Project.
For the full announcement and information on how to apply:
ISSN 1062-9424
EFFector is a publication of
the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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Rainey Reitman, Activist
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