In our 554th issue:
The Senate Judiciary Committee last week approved the Combatting Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA). This Internet censorship bill would empower the Attorney General to silence websites in the name of copyright enforcement. This dramatic expansion of government power would blacklist domains - a reckless scheme that will undermine global Internet infrastructure and censor legitimate online speech. This bill won't help creators get paid and could hamper artistic innovation and creativity.
Microsoft's Kinect device for Xbox360 uses a series of cameras, microphones, and sensors to read a player's speech, gestures, and images for new, physically interactive games. Inventive technologists were extremely intrigued by the diverse applications of the hardware in the device, and a researcher reverse engineered the Kinect in short order. But in response to the community's enthusiasm, a Microsoft spokesperson threatened to "work closely with law enforcement and public safety groups to keep Kinect tamper-resistant." But Microsoft should think twice.
The Transportation Security Administration has adopted "enhanced" security procedures — presenting people with the horrible choice of either submitting to body scanners that show passengers unclothed or submiting to what are called "groping" pat-down techniques which include touching both breasts and genitalia. As some have noted, these processes appear to have little likelihood of increasing the safety of fliers. EFF has written a guide to taking a stand against the TSA's invasive security procedures.
EFF Updates
In Data Portability Deathmatch, Users Lose Out
Facebook and Google have been locked in a public tussle over over a deceptively simple function that is key to innovation and user rights online: data portabilty.
EFF Brief: "Privacy" Protections for Corporations Undermine Government Transparency
EFF and a coalition of public interest groups urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reject "privacy" protections for corporations under the Freedom of Information Act - a law that plays a critical role in government transparency.
Thomas-Rasset Damage Award: The Strange, Unpredictable World of Copyright Damages
A jury has awarded $1.5 million in statutory damages ($62,500 per recording) to the record-label plaintiffs in the first action against an individual accused of illegal file-sharing to make it to the trial stage.
Patent Office to Reissue Narrowed Version of Patent on Internet Music Files
Another partial victory for EFF's Patent Busting Project: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has announced that it will reissue a narrowed version of a patent on Internet music files.
EFF Discusses the Future of Internet Privacy at UN Internet Governance Forum
EFF staffers recently flew to Lithuania to advocate for the respect of citizens' fundamental rights online at the United Nation's Internet Governance Forum.
Professor Ed Felten Becomes the FTC's First Chief Technologist
The Federal Trade Commission has made the commendable decision of hiring Princeton professor of computer science and public affairs (and former EFF board member) Ed Felten as its first Chief Technologist.
EFF Welcomes Technology Director Chris Palmer and Activist Rainey Reitman
EFF is pleased to welcome two new staff members -- Chris Palmer, a former EFF technologist returning to the fold after several years in the tech industry, and Rainey Reitman, former Director of Communications for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
Pioneer Awards 2010 Recap: Photos, Video, and More
EFF's 19th Annual Pioneer Awards recognized those individuals and organizations that have dedicated themselves to defending and promoting digital rights. If you weren't there in person, you can relive it through our photos and videos.
Thank You From EFF!
Supporters contributed over $70,000 to the Electronic Frontier Foundation this week during PayPal's Matching Challenge. Thanks to everyone who makes our work possible!
Location-Based Services: Time for a Privacy Check-In
Location-based services can collect information about not only where we go but who we know, what we do, and who we are -- and the ACLU's newest guide outlines the privacy concerns of this trove of sensitive data.
Demand HTTPS!
Ninety-nine of the world's top 100 sites don't secure their platforms properly - sign the petition to get HTTPS everywhere.
Has Airport Security Gone Too Far?
Pilots and travelers alike are rebelling against invasive screening techniques that reveal their most intimate parts.
Dream Job Alerts!
Criminal Defense Staff Attorney
EFF is seeking a senior staff attorney with a focus on criminal law matters to join our legal team.
Responsibilities will include litigation, public speaking, media outreach, and legislative and regulatory advocacy all in connection with civil liberties and our Coders Rights Project.
For the full announcement and information on how to apply:
ISSN 1062-9424
EFFector is a publication of
the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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