New contact information:
Snail mail: 1667 K St. NW, Suite 801
Washington DC 20006-1605 USA
Phone: +1 202 861 7700
Fax: +1 202 861 1258
BBS: +1 202 861 1223, +1 202 861 1224
Email and network server addresses remain the same.
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Comments may be submitted regarding this draft to Esther Dyson.
(December 6, 1994)
Privacy is a cherished American value. In designing the technological infrastructure and the policy environment for the NII, the United States is establishing the framework for individual, social, economic, and political life in the 21st century. It is important that fundamental American values -- including protection of privacy, freedom of speech and association, and freedom from discrimination and protection of property rights -- be considered in the NII. None of these values are absolute, and all need to be addressed in the context of the public interest.
Throughout this document personally identifiable information refers to "any information that could be uniquely associated with the individual to whom it pertains." In policy discussions, privacy is frequently coupled with confidentiality and security. Although the terms are interrelated, it is important that the meaning of each be understood independently. Information privacy is the ability of an individual to control the use and dissemination of information that relates to himself or herself. Confidentiality is a tool for protecting privacy. Sensitive information is accorded a confidential status that mandates specific controls, including strict limitations on access and disclosure, that must be adhered to by those handling the information. Security is the totality of safeguards in a computer-based information system. Security protects both the system and the information contained within it from unauthorized access and misuse. Security consists of hardware, software, personnel policies, information practice policies, and disaster preparedness.
1. Personal privacy -- including information, transactions, and communications -- must be protected in the design, management, and use of the NII. Informed, uncoerced consent to the use of personally identifiable information, as well as autonomy and individual choice are fostered by ensuring privacy on the NII. In addition, protection of privacy is crucial to encouraging free speech and free association on the NII. While privacy protections are crucial to encourage free speech and free association on the NII, such protections are not absolute and must continue to be balanced, where appropriate, by concepts of legal accountability.
2. The privacy of communications, information, and transactions must be protected to engender public confidence in the use of the NII. For instance, people should be able to encrypt lawful communications, information, and transactions on the NII. Network-wide and system-specific security systems that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and privacy should be incorporated into the design of the NII. In an interactive electronic environment, transactional information should be afforded the same high standard of legal protection as content. To achieve its full potential, the NII must incorporate technical and legal means to protect personal privacy.
3. Existing constitutional and statutory limitations on access to information and communication, such as those requiring warrants and subpoenas, should not be diminished or weakened and should keep pace with technological developments.
4. Individual rights to access personally identifiable information about themselves must not be diminished or weakened on the NII. Individuals must have the ability to review personally identifiable information and the means to challenge and correct inaccurate information.
5. Individuals should be informed of other uses and disclosures of personally identifiable information provided by that individual or generated by transactions on the NII. Personally identifiable information about an individual provided or generated for one purpose should not be used for an unrelated purpose or disclosed to another party without the informed consent of the individual except as provided under existing law.
6. Data integrity -- including accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of personally identifiable information -- must be paramount on the NII. Users of the NII, including providers of services or products on the NII, should establish ways of ensuring data integrity, such as audit trails and means of providing authentication.
7. The use of a national personal identification system administered by the federal government should not be developed as a condition for participation in the NII.
8. Subject to public policies intended to secure and maintain the integrity and enforceability of rights and protections under U.S. laws -- such as those concerning intellectual property, defamation, child pornography, harassment, and mail fraud -- spheres for anonymous communication should be permitted on the NII. Those who operate, facilitate, or are otherwise responsible for such spheres must adequately address the sometimes conflicting demands of anonymity, on the one hand, and accountability, on the other.
9. Collectors and users of personally identifiable information on the NII should provide timely and effective notice of their privacy and related security practices.
10. Public education about the NII and its potential effect on individual privacy is critical to the success of the NII.
11. An entity with input from federal, state and local governments and the private sector should develop a process for overseeing the development, implementation, and enforcement of privacy policy on the NII.
12. Aggrieved individuals should have available to them effective remedies to ensure that privacy and related security rights and laws are enforced on the NII, and those who use these remedies should not be subject to retaliatory actions.
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This is what we know so far:
1) Only three BBS searches have been confirmed.
2) The investigations center on sexual material.
3) No one has yet been charged.
Contrary to earlier reports, EFF did not send someone to the scene, although the Association of Online Professionals may have. EFF is ready to provide information and help contact lawyers for any defendants in the case, but we have not yet been asked to do so.
If you are in contact with the sysops of these BBSs, please tell them that they should contact EFF's legal services at 202-347-5400 (AFTER DEC. 17: 202-861-7700).
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Dec. 16 - 4th Annual Loebner Prize Competition in Aritificial
Intelligence, Calif. State U. - San Marcos.
Contact: Dr. Robert Epstein, +1 619 436 4400, fax: +1 619 436 4490
Dec. 31 - Deadline for proposals for ISEA 95 (see below).
Jan. 8 - Deadline for proposals, Midwest Conference on Technology,
Employment and Community, sponsored by the UIC Center for Urban Economic
Jan. 20 - Deadline for after-the-event written testimony for White House
"Security for Health & Educational Information on the NII" open public meeting
(held Dec. 8, 1995, Washington DC)
Jan. 27 - Privacy, Info. Infrastructure & Healthcare Reform Symposium,
Ohio State U., Columbus OH. Featured speakers: Janlori Goldman (EFF), Rober
Belair (ed., Privacy & American Business,
and former White House deputy counsel), Mary Gardiner Jones (CIRI, formerly with
FTC; co-author, 21st Century Learning and Health Care in the Home), Pierrot
Peladeau (Societe Progestacces [Canada]), James Rule (author, Politics of
Privacy; SUNY profesor), Bruce Schneier
(author, Applied Cryptography)
Feb. 4 - U. of Richmond [VA] Law & Technology Assoc. Symposium on Community
in Cyberspace, 9am-5pm EST. Featured speakers: Shari Steele (EFF),
Prof. Trotter Hardy (Wm. & Mary College), Brock Meeks (CyberWire
Dispatch), Asst. Professor Dan L. Burk (GMU), Henry C. Su esq.
(Williams, Mullen, Christian & Dobbins), Dr. Danny Arkin (Central
VA Free-Net), Carol Woodward esq. (chair, VA Bar Assoc. Special
Legal Networking Cmte.), Bill Cooper (VA ACLU), etc.
Mar. 3- 4 - Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment and Community,
sponsored by the UIC Center for Urban Economic Development
Mar. 27 - John Perry Barlow seminar on "Cyberspace: the New
Mar. 28- 31 - 5th Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy, Burlingame,
Sep. 17- 24 - International Symposium on Electronic Art, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
Dec. 1 - Computer Security Day (started by Washington DC chapter of the
Assoc. for Computing Machinery, to "draw attention to computer
security during the holiday season when it might otherwise become
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Ensuring the democratic potential of the technologies of computer-mediated
communication requires active participation in the political processes that
shape our destinies. Government agencies, legislatures and heads of state
are accustomed to making decisions about the future of technology, media,
education, and public access to information, with far-reaching and
long-lasting effects on citizens and their lives, but are accustomed to
doing so with little input or opposition from anyone but the largest of
corporations, and other government representatives.
Now, more than ever, EFF is working to make sure that you can play an
active role in making these choices. Our members are making themselves heard
on the whole range of issues. EFF collected over 5000 letters of support
for Rep. Maria Cantwell's bill to liberalize restrictions on cryptography.
We also gathered over 1400 letters supporting Sen. Leahy's open hearings on
the proposed Clipper encryption scheme, which were held in May 1994. And
EFF collected over 90% of the public comments that were submitted to NIST
regarding whether or not Clipper should be made a federal standard.
Additionally, EFF has worked for the passage of legislation that would
ensure open access to the information infrastructure of today and tomorrow,
and continues to provide some of the best online resources on privacy,
intellectual freedom, the legalities of networking, and public access to
government representatives and information.
You know privacy, freedom of speech and ability to make your voice
heard in government are important. You have probably participated in our online
campaigns and forums. Have you become a member of EFF yet? The best way to
protect your online rights is to be fully informed and to make your
opinions heard. EFF members are informed and are making a difference. Join
EFF today!
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Contact: +1 312 996 5463
Conf. mailing list discussion: listserv@uic, message body:"SUBSCRIBE
Contact: Sam Shekar (DoHHS), +1 202 690 5727
Contact: CAST/OSU, +1 614 292 8444 (registration)
Vicente Berdayes, +1 614 292 0080
Contact: LTA, +1 804 287 6811
Deadline for proposals: Jan. 8, 1995
Contact: +1 312 996 5463
Conf. mailing list discussion: listserv@uic, message body:"SUBSCRIBE
4pm local time, NCB Auditorium, 71 Science Park Dr., Singapore
Contact: Marvin Tay Eng Sin
Contact: Carey Heckman, +1 415 725 7788, fax: +1 415 725 1861,
Information: +1 514 990 0229, fax: +1 514 842 7459,
Subject: What YOU Can Do
"If five years from now we [the FBI] solve the access problem,
what we're hearing is all encrypted, I'll probably, if I'm still here, be
talking about that in a very different way: the objective is the same.
The objective is for us to get those conversations whether they're by an
alligator clip or ones and zeros. Whoever they are, whatever they are, I
need them."
- FBI Director Louis Freeh, clarifying statements that the FBI may seek
legislation to ban strong encryption, in an Oct. 1994 interview with
Steven Levy.
Membership Coordinator
Electronic Frontier Foundation
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