Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), of the Senate Judiciary's Technology and the Law Subcommittee, has expressed skepticism of the Clipper encryption scheme, and has called for hearings to examine the problems of this proposal and its implementation. This effort is due in part to all of you who responded to EFF's grassroots campaign to raise fundamental questions about security and free speech issues in relation to the White House proposal.
The Senate hearing will be held on April 27, 1994, 9:30am EDT, Hart Building Rm. 216, and should feature testimony from the Digital Security and Privacy Working Group (a broad coalition of industry and public interest organizations, headed by EFF), Trusted Information Systems' Steve Walker, Whitfield Diffie of Sun Microsystems, a representative of the Justice Dept. (possibly Atty. Gen. Janet Reno), NSA Director Adm. Mike McConnell, and Ray Kammer of NIST.
For more information, contact Senate staffers at the Senate Judiciary
Committee: +1 202 224 3406 (voice), +1 202 224 9516 (fax)
Note: this is the full Committee's fax, so address faxes to "Technology
and the Law Subcommittee" or delivery may be delayed.
Following the Senate Hearings, the House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Technology, Environment and Aviation will be holding a hearing to address related civil liberties issues of both the Clipper scheme and the FBI "Digital Telephony" proposal, which so far remains unsponsored. The hearing will be chaired by Rep. Tim Valentine (D-NC), and is scheduled for May 3, 1994, 1pm EDT, Rayburn Building Rm. 2318. Witnesses will include Ray Kammer of NIST, NSA's Clint Brooks, representatives from industry in a panel that will include USTA and TIA, expert witnesses Dorothy Denning and David Farber, and EFF's Jerry Berman on behalf of DPSWG. FBI appears not to be making a showing.
The House hearing is being held "to review the Administration's policies and legislative proposals dealing with electronic survellance, privacy and security, ...the adequacy of the Computer Security Act in protecting goverment computer systems", and "the Administration's proposed Digital Telephony legislation and decision to promulgate a voluntary federal encryption standard".
Futher information can be provided by the staff of the Subcommittee at +1 202 225 8115 (voice), +1 202 225 7815 (fax)
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EFF focuses on public policy and public awareness concerning information infrastructure, application of law, and protection of civil liberties in online media. Future projects may address changes in social fabric and the meaning of community, and commercial, economic, and international issues related to new digital technologies.
Responsibilities include budget development and tracking, financial strategy, accounting, audits, purchasing, human resource administration, managing office support and computer systems functions, and facilities. Position reports to Executive Director, but requires work with busy staff and Board members. Some travel will be required.
Applicants should have a bachelors degree and at least 10 years experience, preferably in a key role in a nonprofit public interest organization. Strong financial management, full computer literacy (accounting software, spreadsheets, word processing, and databases; Macintosh experience preferred), excellent writing and communication skills, attention to detail, flexibility, sense of humor. Able to plan with team but carry out projects independently. Interest in EFF's mission a plus.
Salary $45-50,000 plus full benefits.
Send resume, cover letter, salary history, and brief writing sample to recruiter by 29 April 1994. No phone calls please.
Email (ascii only):
US mail: Lisa Breit & Associates,
54 Rich Valley Road,
Wayland, MA 01778
EFF is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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The Membership Director is responsible for the planning, structure and development of EFF's membership program. These duties include: developing a goal-oriented, strategic membership plan; regularly reporting progress and results to EFF's Executive Director and board; and developing a program budget and being primarily responsible for seeing that the membership program operates within budget.
In addition, the Membership Director is responsible for working with EFF staff to coordinate membership efforts around timely events and developments. The Membership Director is responsible for the design and production of any required materials, including electronic and paper literature, t-shirts and other specialty items. This person also coordinates the EFF membership booth at conferences and trade shows.
The ideal candidate will have several years of experience heading up a membership program at a nonprofit, public interest organization. Much of our communications are done over the Internet, and the Membership Director will conduct membership campaigns and communicate extensively with members online. Computer experience is mandatory, Macintosh and Unix preferred. The ideal candidate is a flexible person who can grow as the membership function evolves under a yet-to-be-hired Executive Director. The Membership Director also will be responsible for entering member information and maintaining the membership database; there is currently no clerical support for this position. This person will work out of EFF's office in DC.
The salary range for this position is $30,000 to $35,000, depending on experience, with excellent benefits. For immediate consideration, please forward a resume, along with a cover letter describing your online experience and your reason for applying for this job, to:
Membership Director Search
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1001 G Street, NW
Suite 950 East
Washington, DC 20001
fax (202) 393-5509
e-mail (ASCII only) No phone calls, please.
EFF is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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Last week, EFF called NTIA asking when their privacy report would be made, and were told that the scheduling was still somewhat flexible, but that surprisingly few comments had been received before the March 30 deadline. We've worked with NTIA's Carol Mattey to reopen the Request for Comments, with successful results:
"Taking into account your expressed interest, and inquiries from
several others, we have decided to formally reopen the record in
NTIA's inquiry on privacy issues for additional comments.
Attached to this message is a statement formally inviting
additional comments to be filed on or before May 23, 1994. (This
statement will be sent out in a press release and published in
the Federal Register sometime next week.) Please disseminate
this statement, with the NOI, immediately to all who you think
might be interested. We want to hear a wide range of views, but
have to rely on groups like yours to spread that message, as we
just do not have the resources to personally seek out all
potentially interested parties".
Carol Mattey, NTIA
___________________________________________________________________________ _________________
CONTACT: Larry Williams - (202) 482-1551
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has extended the deadline for filing comments in its privacy Notice of Inquiry (NOI) to May 23, 1994.
On February 11, 1994, NTIA published a Notice of Inquiry and Request for Comments in the Federal Register entitled "Inquiry on Privacy Issues Relating to Private Sector Use of Telecommunications-Related Information." 59 FR 6842.
NTIA has received comments from 30 parties in this proceeding. Those comments can be reviewed in NTIA's Openness Room, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4092, 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230, between the hours of 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. For further information about NTIA's Openness Room, contact Norbert Schroeder at (202)482-6207.
Since the comment deadline date, NTIA has received several requests for extension of time to file comments. In the interest of fairness to all potentially interested parties, and to provide an additional opportunity to develop the record in this proceeding, NTIA will allow additional time in which to file comments.
Additional comments should be filed on or before May 23, 1994, to receive full consideration. Please submit seven copies to the Office of Policy Analysis and Development, NTIA, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4725, 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230. Comments also may be submitted electronically via Internet to
For further information, please contact Carol Mattey or Lisa Leidig, Office of Policy Analysis and Development, NTIA, at (202) 482-1880.
___________________________________________________________________________ _________________
In discussion with Ms. Mattey, she advised that NTIA would prefer to receive comments specifically responding to the issues raised in the notice, outlined clearly where possible, and that it would be useful for lengthy comments to have a short summary at the top.
The easier you make it for them parse your comments the easier it is for them to take your comments into consideration. This holds true for any submission of comments to government agencies or legislators.
A selection from the original Notice of Inquiry is below:
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
[Docket No. 940104-4004]
Inquiry on Privacy Issues Relating to Private Sector Use of
Telecommunications-Related Personal Information
AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Commerce
ACTION: Notice of Inquiry; Request for Comments
SUMMARY: NTIA is conducting a comprehensive review of privacy issues relating to private sector use of telecommunications-related personal information associated with the National Information Infrastructure. Public comment is requested on issues relevant to such a review. After analyzing the comments, NTIA intends to issue a report, which may make recommendations to the Information Infrastructure Task Force and Congress in the area of telecommunications and information policy, as appropriate.
DATES: Comments should be filed on or before March 30,
1994, to receive full consideration.
[This has now been extended to May 23, 1994]
AUTHORITY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102- 538, 106 Stat. 3533 (1992) (to be codified at 47 U.S.C. 901 et seq.).
For detailed and important information detailing the specifics of the issues, see full copy of NOI at end of file:
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Reg Neale, one of the first to bring this bill to the attention of the Internet/Usenet community, collected some contact information and had this to say about this legislation:
"A bill was just introduced in the NY Assembly to make public information freely and timely available, via "the most-accessible and least-cost public network" i.e., the Internet. Bill A10035 was referred to the Assembly's Governmental Operations Committee, where it is certain to die unless there is a massive input from concerned citizens. Any New Yorkers reading this should call or write their assemblyperson to urge immediate action on this bill. It could also be helpful to contact these two individuals:
Assemblyman Samuel Colman, Chairman
Governmental Operations Committee
Room 731 Legislative Office Building
Albany NY 12248
518-455-5118 voice
518-455-5119 fax
David W. Keiper, Commissioner
Legislative Bill Drafting Commission
Room 301 Capitol Building
Albany NY 12247
CIS 71075,2006
Voice your support for public access to legislative information. If you know of anyone who should be involved in this effort, or if you know of another appropriate place to post this message, please contact me.
Reginald Neale, Sec'y Citizens for Open Access to Legislation (C.O.A.L.)
716-263-7864 day 716-924-7481 eve
Accounts from other parties suggest that some support for this bill is building, among citizens and in the Assembly, so adding your support is not a waste of time.
Activism got a bill very similar to this one passed in CA last year, and it can work in NY too. See* for more information on online activism. Three civil-liberties-favoring state bills dealing with online information have already failed this year, two in Oklahoma, and one in Maryland, due to lack of public input and support.
Those in New York state should spread the word on local and state news groups, mailing lists and other online forums, and can join the Society for Electronic Access's sea-10035 mailing list (send subscribe requests to for local activist planning and information on this bill.
The full text of the bill and the Delegate's Memorandum on AB10035 are
archived at:
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On March 22, 1994, The Subcommittee on Science of the U.S. House of Representatives held hearings on Internet security. These hearings were scheduled in response an advisory issued on February 3, 1994 by the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). Chairman Rick Boucher (D-VA) and the members of the Subcommittee heard testimony from the following witnesses:
Rebroadcast of this program on the Internet Multicasting Service is made possible by support from Sun Microsystems, Interop Company, and O'Reilly & Associates. Additional support is provided by Harper Collins, Persoft, and WAIS Inc. Network connectivity for the Internet Multicasting Service is provided by UUNET Technologies and MFS Datanet.
ITH Program Files:
To learn about the Internet Multicasting Service, mail here or at
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"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Justice Louis D. Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 479 (1928)
You've been following the newspapers and reading EFFector Online. You know that today there are several battles being fought over the future of personal privacy. The Clipper chip, export restrictions, the Digital Telephony proposal - the arguments are numerous and complex, but the principles are clear. Who will decide how much privacy is "enough"?
The Electronic Frontier Foundation believes that individuals should be able to ensure the privacy of their personal communications through any technological means they choose. However, the government's current restrictions on the export of encrytion software have stifled the development and commercial availability of strong encryption in the U.S. Rep. Maria Cantwell has introduced a bill (H.R. 3627) in the House that would liberalize export controls on software that contains encryption, but needs vocal support if the bill is to make it out of the committee stage.
The decisions that are made today will affect our futures indefinitely. EFF is a respected voice for the rights of users of online technologies and EFF members receive regular online updates on the issues that affect our online communications and particpate in shaping the future.
Now, more than ever, EFF is working to make sure that you are the one that makes these decisions for yourself. Our members are making themselves heard on the whole range of issues. To date, EFF has collected over 4800 letters of support for Rep. Cantwell's bill to liberalize restrictions on cryptography. We also have over 1400 letters supporting Sen. Leahy's open hearings on the proposed Clipper encryption scheme, scheduled for April 27, 1994.
If you'd like to add your voice in support of the Cantwell bill, send email here or to, Subject: I support HR 3627
Your letters will be printed out and hand delivered to Rep. Cantwell by EFF.
You KNOW privacy is important. You have probably participated in our online campaigns. Have you become a member of EFF yet? The best way to protect your online rights is to be fully informed and to make your opinions heard. EFF members are informed and are making a difference. Join EFF today!
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The Electronic Frontier Foundation
1667 K St. NW, Suite 801
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+1 202 861 7700 (voice)
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Editor: Stanton McCandlish, Online Services Mgr./Activist/Archivist
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