EFF has just released a major new statement on our Open Platform Campaign, which explains EFF's approach to infrastructure policy. Our big concern is to encourage Congress and the Administration to do the right thing and set out a new, positive communications policy that is ready for the information age. We believe that this policy must achieve the following goals:
Our policy proposal, available here or by anonymous ftp on ftp.eff.org in /pub/Eff/papers/op2.0, contains a discussion of these principles and concrete legislative recommendations on how to accomplish many of these goals. Here are a few selected paragraphs from the main paper to give a flavor of our positions, but we hope you'll read the whole thing.
Regulatory changes should be made, and mergers approved or barred based on specific, enforceable commitments that the electronic superhighways will meet public goals and realize the potential of digital technology. That potential arises from the extraordinary spaciousness of the broadband information highway, contrasted with the scarcity of broadcast spectrum and the limited number of cable channels that defined the mass media era. Properly constructed and administered, the information highway has enough capacity to permit passage not only for a band of channels controlled by the network operator, but also for a common carriage connection that is open to all who wish to speak, publish, and communicate on the digital information highway. For the first time, electronic media can have the diversity of information we associate only with the print media.
But we can't rely on the promises of industry or the wonders of the competitive marketplace alone to create this infrastructure. We need legislative benchmarks to ensure that all citizens have access to advanced information infrastructure. We will achieve this goal not by having government build the whole thing, but by finding a new communications policy framework that works for the market and brings benefits to consumers.
We've expanded the concept of "Open Platform Services" from just narrowband ISDN, to include any switched, digital service, offered on a common carriage basis, by any provider.
To achieve the full potential of new digital media, we need to make available what we call Open Platform services, which reach all American homes, businesses, schools, libraries, and government institutions. Open Platform service will enable children at home to tie into their school library (or libraries all around the world) to do their homework. It will make it possible for a parent who makes a video of the local elementary school soccer game to share it with parents and students throughout the community. Open Platform will make it as easy to be an information provider as it is to be an information consumer.
Open Platform services provide basic information access connections, just as today's telephone line enables you to connect to an information service or the coaxial cable running into your home connects you to cable television programming. This is not a replacement for current online services such as America Online or Compuserve, but rather is the basic transport capacity that one needs to access the multimedia version of these information services.
Specifically, Open Platform service must meet the following criteria:
Open Platform service itself will be provided by a variety of providers over interconnected networks, using a variety of wires, fiber optics, coax cable, and wireless transmission services. But however it is provided, if it is affordable and widely available, it will be the on-ramp for the nation's growing information superhighway.
Rather than a narrow focus on stopping or delaying the proposed mergers, policy makers should use the leverage of the moment to create a new Communications Act that serves the public interest.
The Administration and Congress can create and prompt the deployment of open platforms by using the political leverage at its disposal. Bell Atlantic, TCI, Time Warner, US West and others involved in recent mergers are all promising to build open platforms. Telecommunications giants are asking policymakers for permission to enter new markets or to form new, merged entities. Rather than per se opposition to current mergers, or mere reliance on competition to build the data highways, make the mergers and other accommodations conditional on providing affordable open platform services. The terms of this new social contract should be written into a new Communications Act, revised for the information age. With a real "social contract" in hand, we just might realize the Jeffersonian potential of the data superhighways.
Together with a coalition of public interest groups and private industry, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is working to establish Open Platform objectives in concrete legislation. Open Platform provisions, which would cause near term deployment of Open Platform services, are present in both the recent Senate infrastructure bill and the latest draft of House telecommunications legislation, soon to be introduced. We are also working with the Administration to have Open Platform policies included in the recommendations of the Information Infrastructure Task Force. In addition to federal policy, critical decisions about the shape of the information infrastructure will be made at state and local levels. Since 1991, EFF has been working with a number state legislatures and public utility commissions to have affordable, digital services offered at a local level. As cable and telephone infrastructures converge, we will also work with local cable television franchising authorities. We invite all who are concerned about these issues to join with us in these public policy efforts.
We hope that everyone will have a look at our new proposal, and join in to help us.
Daniel J. Weitzner, Senior Staff Counsel,
Open Platform Campaign: Public Policy for the Information Age
Senate Telecommunications Infrastructure Act of 1993 (S. 1086)
EFF Testimony on Senate Infrastructure Bill
This material is also available via WAIS and gopher from wais.eff.org and
gopher.eff.org, respectively. If you do not have access to any of these
net tools, feel free contact us for assistance.
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The EFF BBS will provide a full mirror of our FTP/gopher/WAIS archives, as
well as networked messaging, including FidoNet's and UseNet's relevant
conferences, such as BBSLAW, SYSLAW, comp.org.eff.talk, alt.security.pgp,
alt.politics.datahighway, and more. The board will serve as a place for
those with modems but no Internet access to get the information they need
to avoid pitfalls and to support campaigns to preserve our rights online.
However, money does not grow on trees, and EFF is asking for contributions
of hardware donations so that the project can get rolling. Our wish list:
Basic system components
For non-critical components (i.e., anything but MB/CPU, HD and modems), we'll
certainly consider used equipment.
BBS software has already been donated, though various other software is still
needed (utils, editors, Fido mailer, etc.)
All donors will receive a note of thanks in EFFector and on the BBS in a
permanent bulletin. Note that donations are tax deductible.
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If you or your firm has lost business because you have not been
able to export your encryption product, please let us know. Be as
specific as possible. It is the cumulative effect of this
information that will be most compelling.
Please pass this on to those in your firm who might know about
these matters or might also be able to respond.
Please send replies here or
to i.rosenthal@applelink.apple.com or to
or to
Douglas Miller
When sending this information to SPA, please also send a copy to the
Electronic Frontier Foundation, as both SPA and EFF are working on this
issue, and both organizations aim to reduce the ITAR restrictions on
cryptographic technology. You can send your information to eff@eff.org.
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Information on the National Information Infrastructure is available both
electronically, in print and in CD-ROM. Please note that some information
varies at each site and can include daily updates from the White House,
press releases and briefings, background information, and reports.
As additional documents and retrieval sources become available, we
will update this factsheet.
I. Retrieving an electronic version -- at no charge
1) Bulletin Board at Fedworld (National Technical Info. Service)
Set software parameters for: N-8-1
1) send a message to: almanac@ace.esusda.gov
Depending on the information you are looking for, using the commands
below, you will receive the information you request.
Agenda for Action send niiagenda
Technology for Economic
Growth Catalog send nii-tech catalog
1) gopher ace.esusda.gov (Extension Service, USDA)
To get to this gopher, type:
From the Main Menu, choose:
5. Americans Communicating Electronically/...
2) gopher sunsite.unc.edu (University of North Carolina)
To get to this gopher, type:
Sunsite Archives
3) telnet gopher.nist.gov
Choose the menu item "DOC Documents". Choose "niiagenda.asc".
1. Internet The package is available in ASCII format through
anonymous FTP and Gopher. The name of the file is
"niiagenda.asc". Access information and directories are
described below.
Login as "anonymous". Use your email address or guest
as the password. Change directory to "pub".
Address: enh.nist.gov
Address: isdres.er.usgs.gov
The package also may be present in a self extracting
compressed file named "niiagend.exe". Remember to
issue the binary command before "getting" the
compressed file.
Bulletin Boards The package is available for downloading on
the following bulletin boards:
Name: NTIA Bulletin Board
Name: Department of Commerce Economic Bulletin
Name: FedWorld On-line Information Network
We currently have information on the National Initatives
available for access in various ways. To find out more on what
is available, Send a message to the following addresses.
NAFTA nafta@ace.esusda.gov
Each one of these has information on how to access the documents
for your areas of interest.
The most up-to-date version of this document can be obtained by sending
mail to:
Do not place any text in the body of the message.
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Print out and mail to:
I wish to become a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I enclose:
Special Contribution
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$__________ to further support the activities of EFF and to broaden
participation in the organization.
___ Enclosed is a check payable to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
___ Please charge my:
Card Number: ___________________________________________
Expiration Date: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
NOTE: We do not recommend sending credit card information via the
Name: _________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone: (____) _______________ FAX: (____) _______________ (optional)
E-mail address: __________________________________________
___ Electronic: Please contact me via the Internet address listed above.
___ EFFector Online - EFF's biweekly electronic newsletter
(back issues available from ftp.eff.org/
___ Online Bulletins - bulletins on key developments
affecting online communications.
NOTE: Traffic may be high. You may wish to browse these publications in
the Usenet newsgroup comp.org.eff.news (also available in FidoNet, as
___ Paper: Please contact me through the U.S. Mail at the street
address listed above.
EFF occasionally shares our mailing list with other organizations promoting
similar goals. However, we respect an individual's right to privacy and
will not distribute your name without explicit permission.
___ I grant permission for the EFF to distribute my name and contact
information to organizations sharing similar goals.
This form came from EFFector Online (please leave this line on the
-------- 8< ------- cut here ------- 8< --------
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Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed
articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce
signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express
permission. Press releases and EFF announcements may be reproduced individ-
ually at will.
To subscribe to EFFector via email, send message body of "subscribe
effector-online" (without the "quotes") to
which will add you to a subscription list for EFFector.
Back issues are available at:
HTML editions available at:
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/pub/eff/papers/op2.0.readme -> .../announce.op2
Mary Beth Arnett has joined EFF as Staff Counsel for the Public Policy
team. Mary Beth has published an extensive analysis of two federal
information disclosure programs involving community and workplace
right-to-know laws. She served for four years as an attorney at a law and
policy research institute and for six years as a public member of a state
licensing and regulatory board. Mary Beth's objective in electronic
information analysis is to devise policies consistent with the Jeffersonian
ideal of empowering citizens through information provision.
Subject: EFF Welcomes Mary Beth Arnett, Staff Counsel
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is working to start an EFF bulletin
board system to reach the "other half of cyberspace" -- BBSs, including the
tens of thousands of participants in BBS networks such as FidoNet. EFF
considers these hobbyist grassroots pioneers as important to the future of
communications as experienced net.surfers, and both cultures of the
online world have much to gain or lose by the issues at stake.
Subject: Please Help Us Get EFF's BBS Up and Running!
The Software Publishers Association (SPA) has been working to bring
about the liberalization of export controls on mass market software
with encryption capabilities. SPA's much-publicized study of the
foreign availability of cryptographic products has clearly
demonstrated the widespread and easy availability of encryption
that is stronger than what U. S. firms have been able to export.
However, NSA claims that software companies have not demonstrated
sufficiently the economic harm they have suffered from export
controls. Congress has told us that without better economic harm
statistics, our chances of liberalizing the export laws are slim.
Subject: Statistics Needed for Analysis of Lost Crypto Sales
Ilene Rosenthal,
General Counsel
Software Publishers Association
1730 M St. NW, Suite 700
Washington DC 20036
(202) 452-1600 ext. 318
(same address)
(202) 452-1600 ext. 342
Subject: Retrieving the National Information Infrastructure Documents
A. Retrieval via electronic bulletin board
B. Retrieval via electronic mail
C. Retrieval via gopher and telnet
D. Retrieval via anonymous-ftp
Dial: (9600 baud) 703-321-8020
gopher ace.esusda.gov
3. National Information Infrastructure documents
gopher sunsite.unc.edu
12. National Information Infrastructure Information/
4. Technology Initiative Summary/
Telnet to: gopher.nist.gov login as "gopher".
Address: ftp.ntia.doc.gov
Login as "anonymous" using "guest" as the password.
Login as "anonymous". Use your email address or "guest"
as the password. Change directory to npr.
Phone: (202) 482-1199
Communications parameters should be set to either 2400 or
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. The
package is available under the "press releases" menu item as
"niiagend.asc" (ascii) and "niiagend.exe" (compressed-self
Phone: 202-482-1986 (voice instructions for
subscription information)
This is a "fee for service" bulletin board. Subscribers may
download the "niiagenda" document for normal on-line
charges. Non-subscribers may subscribe for $35 and download
the report for no additional charge. Free telnet access and
download services are available through the Internet by
using the address: ebb.stat-usa.gov. Use trial as your user
Phone: (703) 321-8020
Communications parameters should be set to either 2400 or
9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. To access
"niiagend.asc" from the FedWorld menu, enter "
Health Security Act health@ace.esusda.gov
National Performance Review npr@ace.esusda.gov
National Information Infrastructure nii@ace.esusda.gov
The National Science Foundation (NSF) will hold a Briefing Meeting
concerning the NSF/ARPA/NASA "Research on Digital Libraries" Initiative
(Announcement NSF-93-141). This meeting will take place on December 6,
10:00 am to 12:00 noon, at the Auditorium of the National Academy of
Sciences, 2100 C Street N.W., Washington, DC. This meeting will be open to
all parties interested in responding to this Initiative. For further
information, please contact Gwendolyn
Barber. By telephone: (202) 357-9572.
By email: gbarber@nsf.gov. NSF-93-141 is available via US Mail or email,
believe it or not, but due to a move to a new office, there may be a delay in
getting it to you.
Subject: NSF Digital Library Open Meeting - Dec. 6
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Membership Coordinator
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1001 G Street, NW, Suite 950 East, Washington, DC 20001
$__________ Regular membership -- $40
$__________ Student membership -- $20
___ MasterCard ___ Visa ___ American Express
I would like to receive the following at that address:
EFFector Online is published by:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
1667 K St. NW, Suite 801
Washington DC 20006-1605 USA
+1 202 861 7700 (voice)
+1 202 861 1258 (fax)
+1 202 861 1223 (BBS - 16.8k ZyXEL)
+1 202 861 1224 (BBS - 14.4k V.32bis)
Membership & donations:
Legal services: ssteele@eff.org
Hardcopy publications: pubs@eff.org
General EFF, legal, policy or online resources queries:
Editor: Stanton McCandlish, Online Services Mgr./Activist/Archivist
This newsletter printed on 100% recycled electrons.
To get the latest issue, send any message to
(or er@eff.org), and it will be mailed to
you automagically. You can also get the file "current" from the EFFector
directory at the above sites at any time for a copy of the current
at EFFweb.