EFFector - Volume 17
- Action Alert: Don't Subsidize the Surveillance State!
- Google's Gmail: A Rough Guide to Protecting Your Privacy
- Let the Sun Set on PATRIOT - Sections 202 and 217
- EFF @ the 2004 Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference
- EFF Seeks Socially Responsible Technical Director
- MiniLinks (19): American Airlines: 1.2 Million Passengers Served to Gov't Contractors
- Staff Calendar: 04.17.04 - 04.18.04 - Wendy Seltzer speaks at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; 04.20.04 - 04.23.04 - Kevin Bankston, Cindy Cohn, Chris Palmer, Fred von Lohmann, Wendy Seltzer, Seth Schoen and Lee Tien speak at CFP, Berkeley, CA
- Administrivia
- Court Overturns Ban on
Posting DVD Descrambling Code, Finds Free-Speech
- EFF Speaks on Privacy
Perils of RFIDs in Libraries
- Let the Sun Set on
PATRIOT - Section 207
- 321 Studios Counts Down
for Fair Use Rights
- Record Companies Pay
Millions for CD Price-Fixing - Send It to EFF!
- Deep Links (17):
Copyright Reform Goes Mainstream
- Staff Calendar: 03.04.04 - Gwen Hinze speaks at Digital Divide:
New Currents in Digital Downloading, Davis, CA; Kevin Bankston
speaks at the Southeast Cybercrime Summit, Kennesaw, GA; Lee
Tien speaks at RFID Forum, San Francisco Public Library, San
Francisco, CA; 03.05.04 - Wendy Seltzer speaks at the NEA
conference, Seattle, WA
- Administrivia