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EFF "Social Responsibility - Fraud & Business Practices - Fortuna Alliance Case" Archive

Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:43:06 PDT 2003

Some files mirrored from the FTC website. http://www.ftc.gov/ro/fortuna.htm

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Files in this Archive

FTC Press Release regarding the Fortuna Alliance 'pyramid scheme' that they've halted, at least temporarily.
FTC Complaint (lawsuit) filed against Fortuna Alliance, who the FTC alledge are engaging in an illegal pyramid scam on the Net.
FTC Summary of the FTC v. Fortuna Alliance case, in which the FTC is seeking to halt the operations of a company FTC claims is defrauding Internet users through a pyramid scam.
Temporary restraining order issued on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission against Fortuna Alliance, a company the FTC claims is defrauding Internet users through a pyramid scam.
Declaration of Dr. Peter J. Vander Nat, Ph.D., in FTC v. Fortuna Alliance. Vander Nat outlines how much money that victims of Fortuna's online pyramid scheme can expect to lose.

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