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EFF "Internet Address Disputes - Georgia (State)" Archive

Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:43:06 PDT 2003

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Files in this Archive

Letter from EFF Staff Counsel Shari Steele to GA governor, explaining why HB1630 is bad news and why he should veto it (he didn't).
alert regarding GA state bill HB1630, and background info on it and its sponsor.
Incredibly stupid and unconstitutional legislation authored by state legislator (and BellSouth employee) Don Parsons that makes it a crime to be anonyous or pseudonymous online, to use anyone else's trademark in an email address or domain name (even if the trademark is in a completely different area of commerce and not applicable to online services), and other terrible things. Passed into state law by governor, Apr. 18, 1996.

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Related On-Site Resources

directory of info on free speech and censorship in Georgia
directory of info on Georgia legislation and regulation

Links to Related Off-Site Resources

Electronic Frontiers Georgia
Protecting and promoting online civil liberties in Georgia.
