Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:42:55 PDT 2003
NOTE: This index is not a complete compendium, that would be
impossible. On the other hand it is a useful and interesting
list of resources. Many of our previous lists have been moved to
the off site resources section, as there are other people much better
able to monitor these rapidly changing areas better than we can.
Files in this Archive
- email.biblio
- Erik Thelan's Jan 1989 bibliography of works on
e-mail and other forms of electronic messaging and
networked communications. Older but historically important.
- gateconf.list
- A list of known gateways between public
mailing lists and network newsgroups in the seven USENET hierarchies and
other worldwide alternative hierarchies.
- graphical_bbs.list
- A list of GUI (Graphical User Interface) BBS's in
the US and Canada. Updated in 1993.
- health_newsgroups.list
- list of health-related Usenet newsgroups (not
exactly exhaustive)
- history_lists.list
- A list of History lists on Bitnet
- indiv_access.list
- A list of ISPs for individual dialup accounts.
- internet_bbs.list
- A list of BBSs accessible through the internet.
- internet.biblio
- the Unofficial Internet Book List, a bibliography,
for beginners and net.surfers alike, of Internet-related books
- Information on Internet talk Radio, a new type
of publication that attempts to be a news and information service,
about the internet, distributed on the internet.
- internic.faq
- Information about the InterNIC registeration services.
- irc_channel.list
- A list of channels available on IRC.
- japan_site.list
- list of Internet access providers in Japan
- mailinglists.list
- list of Internet "mailing list" forums.
- media_online.list
- A listing of email addresses of newspapers,
magazines, TV stations, and other media outlets that accept electronic
submissions from the public.
- medical_resources.pointer
- A blurb about The Medical List, a database of
clinical medicine Internet resources.
- moderator_usenet.list
- A description of what a moderated newsgroup is,
and a list of moderated newsgroups.
- mud.faq
- Part 1 of a Three part FAQ about MUDs.
- mud.list
- A list of some internet Muds
- net_books.rfc1432
- A list of books related to using the Internet
- net_book.list
- The Unofficial Internet Book List: The most complete
bibliography of books about the Internet
- net_epub.list
- list of online journals about Internet/Usenet
- net_mall.list
- A list of commercial services available via the Internet
- net_providers.list
- A list of Internet Service Providers
- A list of email Discussion Groups of interest
to Educators.
- nixpub_long.list
- the NixPub list of Unix Internet access providers
(long version)
- nixpub_short.list
- the NixPub list of Unix Internet access providers
(short version)
- net_services.faq
- Internet Services FAQ
- net_zines.list
- A list of electronically accessible zines.
- netpages.faq
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Aldea
NetPages, an internet directory of email addresses.
- news_announce.faq
- Information about the newsgroups within the
news.announce hierarchy.
- news_online.list
- A list of free sources of daily news available on the
- newspapers_online.list
- This is a list of newspaper publishers with online
services in operation OR under development.
- nisc_pubs.list
- A list of Internet Information Products available from
SRI International, Network Information Systems Center.
- nixpub_long.list
- A list of Public/Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites
- nixpub_short.list
- A condensed list of Public/Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites
- nonprofit_resource.faq
- A guide to internet resources for non-profit
- pdial015.list
- Public Dialup Internet Access List (PDIAL)
- perulists.list
- list of Peruvian mailing lists (mostly Spanish & Portuguese
- pocia.list
- A directory of Providers of Commercial Internet Access (POCIA)
- psych_lists.list
- A list of announcements of a dozen "InterPsych" lists
related to psychiatry and psychology
- sci_eng_edu_resource.list
- A list of some of the best science,
engineering and other educational resources currently
available on the Internet, and directions on how to access them.
- services.list
- A list of services available over the internet
- social_groups.faq
- A Brief Guide to Social Newsgroups and Mailing Lists on
the Usenet
- special_internet_connections.list
- A list of services available over the
- techreport_site.list
- A list of sites that appear to distribute
technical reports
- us_providers_internic.list
- A list of US InterNIC Internet Service Providers
- usenet-alt.list
- An incomplete list of newsgroups under the alternate
hierarchies: alt, bionet, bit, biz, clarinet, gnu, hepnet, ieee, inet,
info, k12, relcom, u3b, and vmsnet
- usenet-main.list
- An incomplete list of newsgroups under the main
hierarchies: news, soc, talk, misc, sci, comp, and rec.
- w_eur_access.list
- A list of European Internet Access providers
Subdirectories in This Archive
- Up to the Parent Directory
- CMC_List/
- A listing of information sources related to the Internet and
Computer-Mediated Communication.
- A bunch of lines to Interesting Tools & Resources on the Net
Related On-Site Resources
- EFF Net Culture &
Cyberanthropology Archive
- EFF's Guide
to the Internet
- EFF Global Information Infrastructure
Links to Related Off-Site Resources
- NCSA's Internet Resources
- NCSA's Experimental Search Engine Meta-Index
- for WAIS, etc. requires HTML forms support.
Virtual Listserv's Search Engine
- Forum One is a guide to over
117,000 Web Forum Discussions. Web Forums" are areas on the
web where you can post and respond to messages. Many other
listservs may be found by typing "listserv" into altavista or its
- The
World Wide web Virtual Library:
- Electronic journals,
newspapers, magazines, newsletters and other resources.
Champaign, IL Public Library's
- List of e-zines and other electronic media.
- MIT's
usenet faq archive.
- EINet Galaxy
Guide to World-Wide Information and Services.
- NetCenter
- Netscape's hub-and-spokes model reciprocal linking system
of WWW indexing.
- The
Awesome List,
- John Makulowich's index of "the glory and
grandeur of the Internet, the sine qua non of Cyberspace"
- an extensive Internet site index,
thirteen hundred+ entries.
- Yahoo,
- A portal with search engine, many services, information,
free e-mail, chat rooms, etc.
- WWW Search Engine
- CMU's
- WWW Search Engine
- InfoSeek
- WWW Search Engine
- WebCrawler
- WWW Search Engine
- DejaNews
- Usenet Archive Search Engine
- WWW & Usenet Search Engine, + Web Site Reviews
- one interface for multiple WWW search engines
- WWW Search Engine
- Search World-wide ftp Servers Using
Search Tool.
- Search a massive index of
- CD-ROM reasearch databases
- SunSite Usenet Info
- Launch Pad
- Searchable index of the
comp.infosystems.* newsgroups
- Cool Site of the Day
- Four11: The Internet White Pages
- lists online people in a phonebook-like database
- A
"Yellow Pages"
- index of professional media/news websites,
email addresses & more.
- The
Internet Domain Survey
- WWW Archive
- Index of
Academic Internet Servers
- Directory of Scholarly and
Professional E-Conferences
- mailing lists
- The Netizen's
- info on net culture and history.
- A large list of
FTP sites.
- WebChat demo &
- (WebChat is a realtime chat utility for WWW browsers)
- an HTML syntax checker (upload HTML to it,
or point it at a URL. This is now a subscription service - $9.95
for 6 mos. $16.95 for a year.)
- Alex,
- an NSF-like method of treating FTP sites as part of one's own
directory tree - neat tool!
- The Internet Phone Company ( Free
Fax-via-Internet Service
- Web Communications' Comprehensive Guide to
Publishing on the Web
- Internet/Usenet
- FTP Site
- NIC-France (en Francais)
- Japan Network Information Center
- (JPNIC; in Japanese & English)
Internet/Usenet FAQs
- (more tech. & non-tech. docs)
- Higher Education Resources and Assistance WWW Site
- WWW Tips for
- Brown & Mech's
- Beginner's HTML Template for WWW Pages
- Information About
- GVU's
NSFNet Backbone Statistics Page
- The
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
- shares many entries with HackDict, but has a lot
more serious jargon terms.
A Glossary of Computer-oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms.
- Biography.Com
- search 15,000+ biographies of notable personalities.
- Info on New
Internet Protocols
- (IPng, SIPP, TUBA, etc.)
- Info on the Knowledge Query & Manipulation Language (KQML)
- for software agent communications.
- Internet
Resources Newsletter
- A free newsletter for academics, students,
engineers, scientists & social scientists. "Possibly the most useful
round-up of new resources for academic users " - The Student's Guide
to the Internet 1998/99
- Index of
Open Market Home Page:
- "We are Internet commerce"
- File a complaint with the
Better Business Bureau
- Central Web Server (IBBB)
- List of Internet access providers
(regularly updated.)
- You can also
- Babel:
- A Glossary of Computer-oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Acronym Server
- Anu Garg's
Dictionary & Thesaurus Server
- Merriam-Webster
English Dictionary (hypertext edition)
- Michael Moncur's
Quotations Server -
- search for quotes by keyword & author,
get quotes of the day, get random quotes.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations WWW edition
- Encyclopedia Britannica,
online edition
- Encyberpedia
- index of online encyclopedias (from general, to very
Geographic Name Server
- finds the latitude and longitude of two places, then calculates
the distance between them.
Central Source Yellow Pages -
- online phonebook of almost all businesses in the US (this is an
online version of a phone book, not an index of online businesses).
- The online Yellow Pages
- lists US businesses (this is an online version of a phone book,
not an index of online businesses).
Tiger's MapBrowse
- generate custom US area maps on the fly and download them (free).
- Weather Reports
- by National Weather Service.
- Recent
Earthquakes United States Geophysical Service