III. Toward the Development of Multimedia Info-communications The government will play a major role in working out each of the various issues relative to the realization of multimedia info-communications: development of an info-communications infrastructure, promotion of technological development, development of applications according to business and consumer needs, and creation of an appropriate environment. In light of these responsibilities, the MPT is actively developing other relevant policies, which we will look at here. A. The Info-communications Infrastructure The realization of multimedia applications will require the development and testing of a new generation of info-communications infrastructure that will enable the rapid transmission of large volumes of digital data for creating virtual reality and displaying ultrafine images in a multichannel environment. In January 1994 the MPT released its vision for info-communications infrastructure development, entitled "Toward the Creation of a New Info-communications Industry;" the ministry is also mapping out a Program for the Establishment of Info-communications Infrastructure (tentative name) for the 21st century and is working on policies relative to facilities construction, testing, and other aspects of infrastructure development. 1. Program for the Establishment of Info-communications Infrastructure (tentative name) Constructing an advanced info-communications infrastructure will be a long-term project requiring a vast amount of capital. Even so, given the rapid aging of society, balanced nationwide development of the infrastructure is needed very soon, with both the government and the private sector taking appropriate roles. Furthermore, careful coordination with other advanced nations is required. Consequently, in March 1993 the MPT consulted the Telecommunications Council on the best way to go about constructing a new info-communications infrastructure for the 21st century; a report is expected in May 1994. 2. A New-Generation Communications Network Based on the Provisional Measures Law for Telecommunications Infrastructure Improvement, in 1991 the MPT began promoting an advanced communications facilities construction project encompassing a new communications network that will employ optical fiber and synchronous digital transmission equipment. It is expected that multimedia info-communications will use gigabit-level ultra-high-speed communications networks. The MPT is therefore planning to construct in fiscal 1994 a test facility connecting is own Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) with other research centers using ultra-high-speed circuits; this will enable researchers to develop the technology necessary for operating an ultra-high-speed communications network. Along the same lines, the Ultra-High-Speed Network and Computer Technology Laboratories, created with financing from the Japan Key Technology Center and other entities, is conducting research on integrated technology for ultra-high-speed network computers. Along with high-speed, high-capacity fixed communications networks using optical fiber and other technology, the development of compatible broadband digital radio communications systems is necessary. Beginning in fiscal 1994, the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan, with financing from the MPT, will undertake research on these latter systems. High-capacity satellite circuits that can efficiently provide circuits to multiple sites around the country will be needed to connect the high capacity communications networks located in various regions. Consequently, the MPT's Communications Research Laboratory will join with the Multimedia Pilot Model Project (Pilot Model Project for New-Generation Communications Network) in fiscal 1994 to conduct tests in which land-based high capacity telecommunications circuits will be connected to high-capacity circuits on the ETS-VI (Engineering Test Satellite) to transmit high-quality HDTV broadcasts to earth-based communications networks. Relative to the development of the bidirectional technology needed for full service and other cable TV applications, CRL has constructed a 1-GHz interactive optical/coax hybrid system and in fiscal 1994 will test a model system. 3. Project for the Promotion of Suburban- and Lifestyle-related Information and Communications Infrastructure In fiscal 1994 the MPT will implement its Project for the Promotion of Suburban- and Lifestyle-related Information and Communications Infrastructure under which will be constructed such infrastructure facilities as the Information Feedback Promotion Center, regional governmental networks, Telework Centers, and New-Generation Regional Cable Television. As part of a policy to ensure that public investment in the new info-communications infrastructure will go toward balanced national development, the project calls for strategic placement of networks in various regions and the decentralization of communications functions away from the Tokyo metropolitan area. B. Promotion of Technological Development New multimedia info-communications for the 21st century will require new basic technologies, including digital technology, and standardization to ensure easy acceptance of the new media. The MPT is promoting research in these areas. 1. Outlook for Future Multimedia Info-communications Technologies In March 1993 the MPT requested its Telecommunications Technology Council to research and summarize the current state of, trends in, and the outlook for multimedia info-communications technology and related standardization. The council is at present working arduously to prepare a report. 2. Digital Technology In January 1993 the Telecommunications Technology Council submitted to the MPT a report entitled Digital Image Technologies toward the 21st Century. As a result, the ministry is working hard on the development of digital image technology applicable to the various types of visual media used in a number of fields, including telecommunications, broadcasting, storage, printing, medicine, and movie making. Additionally, the ministry is promoting information exchange on the part of the Advanced Image Development Promotion Council (AIM), testing of MPEG-2, testing and research of image media integrated transmission and handling systems at Graphic Communications Laboratories Ltd., and testing by telecommunications and broadcasting organizations of ultrafine-image transmission using broadband ISDNs. Digital broadcasting systems will be needed in the future multimedia environment. Consequently, the Study Group Concerned with the Digitization of Broadcasting has been meeting at the MPT since May 1993. The group has proposed the use of the integrated services digital broadcasting (ISDB) system and the establishment of appropriate frequency band widths. 3. Human Interface Technology Interpreting telecommunications systems will be necessary to ensure the realization of a multimedia environment characterized by increasing borderlessness in the 21st century. ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratories, with financing from the Japan Key Technology Center, began conducting basic research in interpreting telecommunications technology in fiscal 1992. Another company, ATR Communication Systems Research Laboratories, again with financing from the Japan Key Technology Center, has been working toward a realistic environment for teleconferencing since fiscal 1986 and is currently conducting basic research into inputting, recognition and comprehension, and display of three-dimensional images. As one link in its telecommunications frontier research and development, the MPT has since 1989 been researching multimedia integrated processing and relevant next-generation applications, including media conversion technology. Remote-search, media conversion, and other basic technology are necessary for making visual information easy to use. With MPT financing, the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan is researching basic technology common to visual info-communications systems, including information-structuring technology, media conversion technology, and remote-search technology. Basic study on the technology for voice activated translation systems. (ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratories) 4. Standardization International standardization of info-communications multimedia takes place mainly in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and Radio Communication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Because the process of setting standards involves investigating the information gathered by numerous research committees, a Joint Coordination Group (JCG) has been set up to promote effective standardization. The MPT is likewise working on standardization issues. The multimedia subcommittee and other "new-field" subcommittees of the Telecommunications Technology Council gather information from relevant organizations and thus contribute to the international-standard(IP(Bsetting activities of the ITU. Based on the reports of the Telecommunications Technology Council, the MPT creates standards and recommended communications protocols. C. Development of Integrated Telecommunications/Broadcasting and Other New Services Social acceptance of multimedia info-communications will require not only infrastructure, technology, and other hardware development but also a variety of services that use the hardware and that are congruent with society's needs. 1. Multimedia Pilot Model Project (Pilot Model Project for New Generation Communications Network) With the support of the MPT, the Association for Promotion of New-Generation Network Services will conduct experiments on its Multimedia Pilot Model Project (Pilot Model Project for New-Generation Communications Network). With the aim of integrating telecommunications and broadcasting, these experiments investigate multimedia from the usage, systemic, cost, technological, and other standpoints. Beginning in July 1994, the association will provide extensive support to this three-year project to be conducted at Kansai Science City with the purpose of bringing optical fibers into the home during the 21st century. 2. Project of B-ISDN Experiments Based on a broadband ISDN testing master plan drawn up by the Association for Promotion of New-Generation Network Services, beginning in the summer of 1994 the Association of Broadband-ISDN Business Chance and Culture Creation will carry out the first popularization and developmental stage of the Project of B-ISDN Experiments at Kansai Science City. This stage of the project is scheduled to last two years. 3. Construction of a Full-service Network Support Center Various multimedia services will use cable TV. To this end, the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan will construct a full-service network support center and is developing image compression technology and various info-communications technologies, usable in a variety of fields. D. Creation of an Environment for Multimedia Development For multimedia info-communications to flourish, an environment needs to be created that permits the establishment of new service businesses and that includes a smooth-running, fair rights-processing system for multimedia software and the visual software from which it is derived. The creation of such an environment will involve adjustments in social systems and international coordination. 1. Copyright and Other Software Issues Relative to a processing system for copyrights and other intellectual property rights, the MPT's Study Group on Media Software presented a report in May 1993 that made several recommendations regarding media software production and availability and effective use of software property, especially as regards secondary usage of visual software. These recommendations include (1) the establishment of processing rules for intellectual property rights, especially copyrights, with the coordination of relevant businesses, organizations, and government agencies; (2) the creation of a rights database and thus availability of accurate rights information; and (3) the development of a comprehensive rights-processing system. These issues are also being discussed by the Visual Software Intellectual Property Rights Conference, set up in January 1993. Beginning in fiscal 1994, the MPT will be promoting a Broadcast Programming Materials Usage Advancement Project to support (1) services that compile, produce, and store broadcast programming materials and make programs from them and (2) services that serve as a broker for broadcast programming materials and supply information. 2. Promotion of New Businesses According to the MPT's policy vision "Toward the Creation of a New Info-communications Industry," released in January 1994, optical fiber network construction will create a market worth (I4(B56 trillion by 2010, and the value of the multimedia market, including related existing markets, will be (I4(B123 trillion, employing 2.4 million people that year. Given the new businesses that are likely to be generated in the info-communications industry, in February 1994 the MPT set up an Info-communications Business Study Group, which is investigating (1) the current state of the industry and new businesses that are likely to be generated; (2) problems facing businesses in the industry; (3) conditions, problems, and promotion policies of businesses in the industry in Europe and the United States; and (4) promotion policies needed by such businesses in Japan. 3. International Coordination The development of multimedia infrastructure and technology will require international coordination. At a bilateral meeting in the United States held in April 1993 the U.S.-Japan Policy Talks on Telecommunications (Round-table Conference) was proposed. 4. Preparing Society for Multimedia Communications The various areas of society (commerce, medicine, education, government administration, etc.) need to be systemically prepared for multimedia info-communications. Changes in basic social assumptions and conventions will also be necessary for example, that direct face-to-face meetings are always necessary in business and that actual working time counts for more than work results.