VI. Technological Development and Standardization A. Technological Development for the Next Generation Multimedia info-communications technology for the future. In May 1993 the Telecommunications Technology Council began investigating the outlook for future multimedia info-communications technologies. As of March 1994, the council was in the midst of discussing current issues in multimedia info-communications, the current state of and problems involved in standardization, and possibilities for multimedia info-communications development. Need to look into advanced image technology. In August 1993 the MPT amended its Research and Development Guidelines for Telecommunications Technology, adding the promotion of research and development in the fields of advanced image technology as an issue needing consideration. High-speed info-communications testing facility. MPT's Communications Research Laboratory is engaged in the research and development of satellite- and land-based high capacity communications technology to handle advances in the increasing capacities and digitization of communications circuits. To this end, the MPT is constructing the facilities at the Kansai Science City. An artist's representation of the Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite(COMETS) Toward an ultra-high-speed communications network. In order to undertake the research and development of network operations and technology for ultra-high-speed communications networks, the MPT is constructing network testing facilities and is researching integration technology for computers used in such networks. Broadband cable TV technology. In light of the coming fusion of telecommunications and broadcasting, the MPT is constructing facilities to prevent radio interference in broadband cable TV systems and is developing cable TV systems that employ optical transmission technology, which will allow for multichannel, broadband applications. Establishment of a research and development system for telecommunications and broadcasting. The MPT is investing in the Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan for several areas of research and development: technology using advanced image communications, broadband digital radio communications systems, and stereoscopic Hi-Vision program production technology. B. The Increasing Significance of Standardization Efforts toward standardization. The MPT is involved in international and domestic standardization activities to ensure smooth communications among numerous but otherwise unspecified users. Standardization in the Asia-Pacific region. The MPT has been establishing a technical cooperation system and held research conferences as means of promoting standardization in the Asia-Pacific region.