IV. Postal Services: New Developments in the Post Office Network A. Postal Operations: Fortifying the Base Advanced mail-handling equipment. The post office is in the process of installing advanced mail-handling equipment to more efficiently deal with the ever-increasing number of items handled in major metropolitan areas. This will ensure high-quality, uninterrupted mail services. Ensuring sufficient personnel. The postal service will be hiring, on a trial basis, specific part-time employees (employees who work four hours daily and are given virtually the same benefits as full-time employees) to ensure that it has a stable supply of personnel strategically assigned, as well as to provide women and the elderly with employment opportunities. New post offices in Osaka. To ensure a continued high level of service in the greater Osaka area, the Shin-Osaka Post Office and Osaka Parcel Post Office will open in August 1994. These offices will occupy a strategic position in the post office network. In September, the Osaka International Post Office will also commence operations, upgrading the international mail network. B. Services That Enhance Lifestyles G4 facsimile machines are to be installed in 20 post offices around the country. Connected by ISDN circuits, these machines will be used on a trial basis for high-quality Letax service. Additionally, to meet increasingly diverse and sophisticated user needs, Letax service using personal-computer communications will also be made available. C. The Post Office Network: A Foundation of Society Furusato parcels. To increase demand for Furusato parcels and thus contribute to the revitalization of regional economies, the MPT is planning to establish a Furusato Parcel Promotion Council, which will comprise producers, post offices, local governments, and consumers. Post offices provide needed guidance, as well as feedback to producers that includes information and expertise on utilization of the post office network, trends in consumer demand, and quality control. New-material postcards from local industries. As a means of encouraging regional revitalization through the use of local industry as well as to preserve the environment, the MPT will begin investigating the possibility of using nonwood paper for postcards. Voluntary Deposit for International Aid. Instituted in January 1991, the Voluntary Deposit for International Aid program had 13.79 million account holders as of the end of fiscal 1993. Funds contributed are directed mainly to countries in Asia and Africa, for medical treatment, instruction in hygiene, and food for poor people and those who have suffered natural disasters. Investment of postal savings and postal life insurance funds. Postal savings and postal life insurance funds are invested in various ways to help society at large, including the development of infrastructure, enhancing people's quality of life, and promotion of regional development. The funds are also used to purchase bonds issued by foreign governments and international organizations, which contributes to the stability and development of the international economy. Contributing to the well being of the community using postal savings and postal life insurance funds New-media equipment for regional info-communications. In major regional cities throughout Japan, post offices will be installing in their lobbies such equipment as Hi-Vision (HDTV) reception systems and communications satellite and broadcasting satellite reception equipment and will subscribe to cable TV. These measures serve to upgrade post offices as regional information centers, as well as to make post office lobbies more enjoyable places to visit.