[Part 2] Info-communications Policy Info-communications is expected to play a major role in solving the problems that face Japan as it moves into the 21st century such issues as an aging society, maintaining economic development, and clean-up of the environment. Consequently, info-communications policy takes on a heightened significance. This part of the report looks at current and proposed policy developments in telecommunications, broadcasting, postal services, and international coordination concerning info-communications. I. Info-communications Policy for the 21st Century Building a New-generation Info-communications Infrastructure. Looking toward the development of a new foundation for info-communications for the multimedia society, in January 1994 the MPT released its vision for info-communications policy, entitled "Toward the Creation of a New Info-communications Industry." In related developments, the ministry's Telecommunications Technology Council is mapping out a Program for the Establishment of Info-communications Infrastructure (tentative name), and the ministry is strongly promoting such multimedia projects as the Project for the Promotion of Suburban and Lifestyle-related Information and Communications Infrastructure and the Multimedia Pilot Model Project (Pilot Model Project for New-Generation Communications Network). Regional Info-communications for Balanced National Development. The MPT is promoting such activities as the Project for Minimizing Differentials in Telecommunications Benefits (using public investment), the Teletopia Concept, the development of key regional cities, facilities expansion projects under the Law to Utilize the Abilities of Private Enterprises, and human resources training projects. Through its Regional Info-communications Study Group, the ministry is also investigating measures to develop new info-communications capabilities in Japan's regions. Space Communications Policy. Through the PARTNERS Project and its investigation of a Satellite Remote Communications System, the MPT is promoting more international cooperation. In March 1994 the MPT's Study Group on Reliability Enhancement for Space Communications Systems compiled a report recommending policies for improving the reliability of space communications systems. Info-communications Policy That Focuses on the Consumer. The MPT has developed policies that emphasize the consumer, including the user monitoring system on telecommunications services, a system in which consumers themselves monitor telecommunications services and offer their viewpoints. Working to create a welfare society, the ministry is currently promoting the research and development of info-communications systems for the physically disabled and the elderly. Disaster Countermeasures. To ensure the safety and reliability of info-communications, the Provisional Measures Law for Telecommunications Infrastructure Improvement was revised in August 1993 and a system for supporting the Telecommunications Facilities Installation Projects for Reliability Enhancement was established. The ministry is also researching the development of an advanced disaster prevention multiple-address radio communication system for urban areas and is promoting the construction of the monitoring system of earth motion phenomena in the Tokyo metropolitan area, to better monitor potential earthquake activity. Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) equipment at the Communications Research Laboratory Creating an Environment-friendly Society. The MPT is promoting a variety of activities that will be of benefit to the environment, including environment-friendly postal operations and the development of environmental-monitoring technology, such as rainfall radar for use on tropical rainfall monitoring missions. In February 1994 the ministry established the Study Group to Consider Environmental Benefits on Info-communications, which is investigating activities and policies relative to the use of info-communications in improving the environment. Clearing the Way for Advances in Telecommunications. The MPT continues to encourage favorable conditions for the development of the telecommunications industry, through such measures as tax incentives, government investment and loan programs, interest-free loans, and investments and loans by the Japan Key Technology Center. Trends in Overseas Info-communications Infrastructure Development. Recognizing the importance of info-communications infrastructure in the 21st century, the nations of the world have embarked on a number of significant projects. Visions for infrastructure development include the NII Initiative (United States), the TEN Program (European Union), and IT2000 (Singapore). Pilot projects planned or under way include the HPCC program (United States), the BERKOM Project (Germany), the Broadband ISDN Pilot Project (Germany), the Brehat Project (France), and the RACE Projects (European Union).