Legislation & Regulation Issues
Note: For Legal & Supreme Court information, see the legal directory.
- arms_export_control_proposed.amend
- The last printing of the
regulations implementing section 38 of the *Arms* Export Control Act was in November 1989. Since that time there have been numerous revisions to the regulations. There is a need to amend the complete text in order to integrate these revisions. This proposed rule clarifies and simplifies the current regulations. Certain sections are consolidated while others are revised in the interests of clarity and consistency with provisions found elsewhere in the regulations. May 1992
- bills_affect_online.notice
- Shari Steele's summaries of legislations that
affect online communication.
- comp_crime_laws.list
- List of state statutes regarding computer crime
- comp_fraud_and_abuse.statute
- s1030 "Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute
October 1984 text
- ecpa.law
- the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, with relevant sections
of other laws as modified by the ECPA (these annotations by Mike
Godwin and Shari Steele).
- ecpa_laymans_view.article
- Michael Riddle's 1988 discussion of the
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 in
layman's terms
- gore-infrastructure-bill
- July 1991 release announcing that Gore has
applied high tech to schools, health care and
business. Also contains a summary of the
Information Infrastructure and Technology Act.
- gpo-windo-info
- faq-like document answering questions about S. 2813/H.R. 2772
(the GPO Gateway to Government/WINDO)
- gtda_export.regulations
- May 1990 piece discussing the legal implications
of international BITNET connections with regards to
export controls. The following GTDA policy
statement defining General Technical Data
Availability is supplemented by a letter of
clarification to CREN from the US Department of
Commerce and a memo from CREN's counsel, to provide
CREN Members and Affiliates with an understanding of
the legal issues of which they should be aware in
using the networks for communication abroad.
- itar_export_1993.regulations
- July 1993 amendments to the International
Traffic in Arms Regulations. This rule amends
the regulations implementing section 38 of the
Arms Export Control Act, which governs the
import and export of defense articles and
services. The rule clarifies existing
regulations and reduces the regulatory
burden on exporters of defense articles and
- nren-bill-text
- text of The House-Senate compromise version of S. 272, the
High-Performance Computing Act, passed the House on
November 20, 1991, the Senate on November 22, 1991,
and was signed by the President on December 9, 1991 which
provides for a coordinated Federal program to ensure
continued United States leadership in high-performance
- nren_congress.report
- The National Research and Education Network
Program's December 1992 report to congress in response
to a requirement of The High Performance Computing
Act of 1991
- pen_reg_tap_trace_18usc_s3121.law
- privacy_act_74_5usc_s552a.law
- Privacy Act of 1974 and Ammendments (as of
Jan 2, 1991)
- proposed_27th.amend
- Lawrence Tribe's 1993 proposed amendment to the
constitution. "This Constitution's protections for
the freedoms of speech, press, petition, and assembly,
and its protections against unreasonable
searches and seizures and the deprivation of life,
liberty, or property without due process of law,
shall be construed as fully applicable without regard to
the technological method or medium through which
information content is generated, stored, altered,
transmitted, or controlled."
- sec_2315.usc
- United States Code Title 10, Armed forces section 2315
- sentencing_guidelines.amend
- December 1993 Notice of proposed amendments
to sentencing guidelines, policy statements, and
commentary; request for public comment.
Notice of hearing.
- sentencing_guidelines.article
- Jack King's 1994 article commenting on the
revised Computer Crime Sentencing guidelines.
attached is a text of the actual proposed
- sentencing_guidelines.eff
- EFF's March 1993 opposition to the new proposed
sentencing guideline applicable to violations of
the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1988.
- usps_regs.summary
- brief discussion as to why Electronic Networks Not
Subject to Post Office Regulations (stamp payment)
NOTE: The Bills_by_* directories also contain laws, acts, regulations,
Presidential directives, and such, not just "bills" per se. It's
just a convenient name. There are also analyses, commentary,
testimony, articles, and more.
- Bills_by_name/
- Directory of bills relating to the elctronic frontier
(by bill name)
- Bills_by_number/
- Directory of bills relating to the elctronic frontier
(by bill number)
- Bills_by_sponsor/
- Directory of bills relating to the elctronic frontier
(by sponsor name)
- Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) Archive
- Constitutions/
- Directory of important historical documents including
treaties, constitutions, and delcarations of rights
- Foreign_and_local/
- Directory of US state and non-US national legislative
and regulatory information