Declaration of David S. Touretzky
in Support of Motion for Summary Judgement, in DVDCCA v.
McLaughlin, Bunner, et al. (Nov. 28, 2001)
425 California Street, Suite 2025
San Francisco, CA 94104
Telephone: (415) 433-3200
Facsimile: (415) 433-6382
200 Page Mill Road, Second Floor
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Telephone: (650) 325-8666
Facsimile:(650) 324-1808
210 N. Fourth St., Second Floor
San Jose, CA 95112
Telephone: (408) 295-7034
Facsimile: (408) 295-5799
D. GROSS (SBN 200701)
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco CA 94110
Telephone: (415)436-9333
Facsimile: (415)436-9993
Attorneys for Defendant
No. CV - 786804
I am currently a
Principal Scientist in the Computer Science Department and the
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon
University, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I earned both my M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
I lecture regularly around the world on such topics as cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, robotics, and neural networks. I
have authored three books, edited or co-edited nine collections of
scholarly works, and authored or co-authored dozens of articles for
scholarly journals, conference presentations, and the like. Over
the past 25 years I have taught computer science material in a
variety of formats, including brief tutorials at national
conferences, week-long seminars for industrial clients, and
semester-length university courses.
I have been
interested in the issues surrounding DVD encryption since first
hearing about this case in December 1999. At that time, I learned
of two DVD decryption programs. The first is DECSS.EXE, a decryption
program written for the Microsoft Windows family of operating
systems. The second, known as css-auth, is written for Linux, a
version of the Unix operating system. Both programs allow users to
access a DVD drive and decrypt a DVD movie. The term DeCSS
originally referred to DECSS.EXE, but has since been used as a
generic term for any piece of software that defeats CSS encryption.
Therefore, in this declaration I will avoid using DeCSS
and instead refer explicitly to various DVD decryption programs by
name (e.g., DECSS.EXE or css-auth).
The sounds and images
of movies are translated into digital form for storage and playback
by computers and other electronic devices. The information is
stored in a publicly-disclosed file format called MPEG, which
contains no encryption or access limitation technology. Software
for recording and playing MPEG files is widely available.
In order to control
access to the content distributed on DVD movie disks, motion picture
studios encrypt their MPEG movie audiovisual data using a scheme
called CSS (Content Scrambling System). The CSS-encrypted MPEG
movie data is divided into numerous separate files when it is stored
on a DVD disk.
CSS is based on a
type of encryption algorithm known as a stream cipher,
in which a message is encrypted by combining it mathematically with
a stream of seemingly random bits (ones and zeros). The stream is
generated by a mathematical formula, or algorithm, based on a
numerical password called a key. The stream is not
truly random because the algorithm will always produce the same
result when given the same key as input; this is what allows the
message to be decrypted later. CSS uses a 5 byte key (or
equivalently, a 40 bit key, since a byte is a group of eight bits.)
To recover the original message from a stream of encrypted bytes,
one merely needs to know the 5 byte key that was used to initialize
the stream generator; one can then recreate the stream of
pseudo-random bits and subtract them from the encrypted data to
obtain the unencrypted message.
When encrypted movies
are distributed on DVDs, the disk must also contain the 5-byte key
used to encrypt the movie data, so that the movie can be decrypted
and viewed. The protection afforded by CSS is based on the
assumptions that (a) consumers dont know how the files are
encrypted, and (b) untrusted software running on the consumers
computer will not be able to get at the key, while an authorized DVD
player program can. To achieve this, several measures are taken.
First, before a program is allowed to access the data on a DVD
drive, the DVD player program must unlock the drive by
going through an authentication sequence with it. This
authentication sequence involves an exchange of encrypted messages
between the computer and the drive, using one of a set of 32 initial
keys. In this way, the DVD player program proves to the
drive that it knows the secret encryption scheme, and therefore is
authorized to access the movie data on the disk.
This protection
scheme is imperfect. One way around it is to use authorized
software to unlock the drive and then switch over to unauthorized
software. The drive cannot tell if the computer subsequently
switches to a different, unauthorized program; it will continue to
honor requests to access movie data files on the disk. Another
problem is that the authentication sequence, including the set of 32
initial keys, has become widely known. Code to perform
authentication is included as part of the css-auth package (in the
file tstdvd.c), and is also included in various DVD player programs
for Unix, such as Videolan (from the Ecole Centrale Paris), Ogle
(from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden), and Xine. These
players are open source programs, meaning their source
code is freely distributed. (The Xine player requires a separate
plug-in to unlock and decrypt a DVD. Source code for two different
plug-ins with this functionality are available from third parties at
the time of this writing.) Anyone interested can learn how to do
DVD drive authentication by spending a few minutes reading some of
this code. I recommend Videolans vlc-dvd_css.c file.
CSS includes another
way to protect DVD content even if the drive is unlocked. The key
used to encrypt each movie file (called a title key) is
itself encrypted using a disk key that is unique to that
disk. And the disk key is itself encrypted using each of 409
master keys. Given any valid master key, one can
decrypt the disk key, then use the disk key to decrypt each title
key, and then use the title keys to decrypt the movie. Master keys
were kept secret in an attempt to prevent this.
As a further
precaution, when the disk and title keys are sent to the DVD player
program by the DVD drive, they are encrypted using a session
key exchanged between the drive and the DVD player program as
part of the initial authentication process. This prevents the
capture of unencrypted disk and title keys by eavesdropping on the
computer's input/output bus.
Master keys (also
called player keys) are not stored on the disk; they are stored
either in a chip on a circuit board (in the case of a hardware DVD
player) or embedded in an obscured fashion in a piece of executable
software (in the case of software DVD players). Different DVD
hardware and software player products were assigned different player
keys so that if a particular player key were to be disclosed, the
studios could simply stop using that key in any future DVD releases.
This has in fact already happened. The Xing software DVD players
master key was revealed in 1999. The studios then discontinued use
of this key, so players that rely on it are unable to play new
movies. Both DECSS.EXE and css-auth employ the Xing key. The key
has also been published in the Wall Street Journal, in haiku form
("Banned Code Lives in Poetry and Song", by David P.
Hamilton, April 12, 2001, page B1, a copy of which is attached as
Exhibit A).
More recent DVD
decryption programs, such as VobDec, do not rely on player keys.
They obtain the title key directly through a type of mathematical
analysis known as a cryptographic attack. This is possible because
the CSS stream cipher was poorly designed, as documented by Frank
Stevenson. Mr. Stevensons research paper on this topic,
entitled Cryptanalysis of Contents Scrambling System,
has been widely circulated on the web, and is archived as part of my
Gallery of CSS Descramblers web site, discussed below.
What Mr. Stevenson
showed was that the mathematical function CSS uses to generate a
stream of pseudo-random bits has certain predictable qualities, and
as a result, one can make educated guesses about the title key that
was used to encrypt a particular sequence of bytes, then test each
guess. Due to a flaw in the design, the number of tests required to
discover the title key is far less than it should be. In fact, it
is small enough that a modern computer can uncover the title key in
less than a minute. Mr. Stevenson also showed how the weaknesses in
the encryption of the disk key could be used to recover all the
player keys, and this was done in 1999. (See the
www.free-dvd.org.lu web site, and the file
www.free-dvd.org.lu/random-numbers.txt. The file name is an attempt
at humor; the numbers are not random.) But as explained earlier,
player keys are no longer needed now that the title key ciphers
weaknesses are well understood.
In December 1999 I
established a mirror (local copy) of one of the DVD
decryption programs, css-auth.tar.gz, on my web site at Carnegie
Mellon. The css-auth.tar.gz file contains the software package
css-auth. This mirror has remained continuously available on my web
site from late December 1999 through today.
In March of 2000 I created a web site called the
Gallery of CSS Descramblers, at
(incorporated by reference in this declaration). I created this web
site as a scholarly publication to illustrate the many forms an
algorithm description could take, both in computer code and other
forms of speech. My Gallery of CSS Descramblers presented a variety
of exhibits, including the original css-auth source code in the C
programming language, a version of the css-auth code translated into
a made-up computer language for which there was not yet a compiler
(so, technically, it might not even be code), and a
version of the css-auth code translated line-by-line into plain
The Gallery of CSS
Descramblers has received extensive publicity and media coverage.
On July 25, 2000, I testified as an expert witness for the defense
in Universal City Studios, et al. v. Reimerdes, et al., 111
F.Supp.2d 294 (S.D.N.Y 2000), commonly known as the 2600
case. My testimony, which focused on the Gallery and the
equivalence of computer code and other forms of speech, was featured
in articles in the New York Times, the AP News wire service, the
Hollywood Reporter, and several other publications. As a result,
people began sending me contributions to the Gallery, in the form of
computer code, audio recordings, graphic images, and animations.
Each contribution expressed the css-auth source code or the
underlying decryption algorithm in a creative way. For example, one
person set the English description of the algorithm to music and
sang it, with guitar and drum accompaniment. Another sent an image
file in which the C program was cleverly encoded as a picture of
Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of
America. And another person sent a 456-stanza haiku that included a
complete and technically correct description of the css-auth
decryption algorithm in perfect 5-7-5 syllable form.
The various exhibits
added to the Gallery have resulted in additional media coverage,
including articles in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal,
the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, Le Monde, the
Bangkok Post, and Neue Zurcher Zeitung. USA Today named the Gallery
a Hot Site of the Day for September 21, 2000. The
Gallery now includes a collection of some 60 press clippings,
in the form of links to articles that discuss the Gallery or my
testimony at trial. I have also made two television appearances to
discuss the Gallery and the 2600 case. One was an interview on Tech
TVs Screen Savers; the other was as a guest on
John Dvoraks program, Silicon Spin.
The Gallery has
evolved to include not just representations of the css-auth code,
but also technical descriptions and lecture notes about the CSS
protection scheme and the decryption algorithm, legal documents
relating to the 2600 case, and links to web sites where other DVD
decryption software can be found.
The Gallery is widely
known on the Internet. Google, a popular Internet search engine
ranks its search results, or hits, by the number of
other sites that link to the site found by the search engine. A
search for DeCSS using the Google Internet search engine
on September 14, 2001 brought up the Gallery as the #2 hit out of a
total of 77,800 hits returned. A reverse search from Google showed
594 sites with links to the Gallery, including links from Wired
Magazine, USA Today, Slashdot, The Register, and the Association for
Computing Machinery (the major professional organization for
computer scientists.) The Gallery was also the first item listed in
Google's human-edited directory on the topic DVD CSS,
which is part of the Cryptography section. See
DVD decryption
software remains available from many other sources as well. On
September 8, 2001, I used Google to performed a search for the
string css-auth.tar.gz. This is the name usually used
for the file containing the source code of the css-auth package.
The .tar extension denotes Tape ARchive format, which is
a Unix convention for encapsulating a collection of files into one
large file; the .gz extension indicates that the tar
file has been compressed with a utility called gzip.
My search returned
830 hits, of which Googles heuristics decided 399 were likely
to be unique pages. I examined the first 20 of these by visiting
each link. There were 18 unique web sites in the first 20 hits.
(Two sites were repeated due to hits on two separate pages on the
same site.) Of those 18 unique sites, 9 contained local copies of
css-auth.tar.gz, which I verified by downloading the file and either
unzipping it or checking the file length in bytes. These sites were
located in Austria, Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the
United States. One was my own Gallery of CSS Descramblers. Another
8 of the 18 sites did not contain usable local copies of the file,
but had links to other mirror sites where css-auth.tar.gz could be
found. I followed some of those links and found additional copies
of css-auth.tar.gz in Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the
United Kingdom, and the United States. The 18th site was
down, but by retrieving a copy of the page from the Google cache I
was able to determine that it was also a list of mirrors.
As a further test, I
examined hits number 101 through 110 from the 399 results returned
by Google. Each of these hits was a unique site, and none were
included in the previous 20 results. 6 of these 10 sites contained
local copies of css-auth.tar.gz; the servers were located in
Germany, Switzerland, and the United States. Another site had a
list of links to mirrors. Two of the sites were down. The tenth
site, located in North Carolina, contained a press release and a
link to the previously-mentioned Luxembourg site where the file
could be found.
I also explored hits
further down the list and found copies of css-auth.tar.gz on servers
in Australia, France, Finland, New Zealand, and Poland.
Based on this
experiment, I conclude that the css-auth source code remains widely
available on the Internet, and can be found in a matter of seconds
by anyone who bothers to look for it.
Unauthorized DVD
software falls into several categories: (1) Programs that capture
individual frames from the computer's video card while the movie is
being played by an authorized player. These were the first programs
used to rip (capture and store) DVD movies, predating
both DECSS.EXE and css-auth. They rely on an authorized player to
do the actual decryption; they then intercept the movies
audiovisual data after it has been decrypted. (2) Programs that
decrypt DVD movies and store them on the computers hard drive.
DECSS.EXE was the first decryption program in this category. The
css-auth package also contains a program (css-cat.c) to do this.
Many others have since been released, such as SmartRipper, VobDec,
cladDVD, and DVD Decrypter. Some programs also compress the movie
using a tool called DivX. Compression reduces the amount of disk
space the movie takes up. (3) Programs that not only decrypt the
movie but also play it on the computers monitor and speakers,
rather than storing it on the hard drive. Examples include LiViD
(available at www.au.linuxvideo.org),
Videolan (available at www.videolan.org),
Ogle (available at http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/dvd),
and Xine (available at xine.sourceforge.net).
(4) Software packages that simply provide drive authentication
and/or decryption services. These are components for use in
constructing other programs. One example is the css-auth package
previously discussed. Another is my Gallery of CSS Descramblers,
which contains numerous implementations of the basic decryption
There are many web
sites devoted to the subject of DVD decryption software. Examples
include www.flexion.org,
www.doom9.net, and
www.afterdawn.com, which are all
located outside the United States. In addition to offering
downloadable copies of the software itself, these pages include
tutorials on DVD decryption and reviews of the strengths and
weaknesses of different tools.
CSS is of interest to
computer scientists for a number of reasons. Its one of the
first examples of encryption technology embedded in a home
entertainment product. Its also a stellar example of the
failure of what experts call the security through obscurity
approach. Security through obscurity refers to
concealment of information about how a security mechanism works in
the hopes that no attacker will uncover its weaknesses. The
alternative is to develop mathematically strong encryption
algorithms, publicly disclose them, and allow them to be examined by
experts to determine if the algorithms are truly sound. CSS was not
designed to withstand such scrutiny. CSS does not provide true
security because the scheme is vulnerable to reverse engineering,
the stream cipher is much weaker than theoretically possible due to
flaws in its design, and in any case, the decryption keys must be
present on each DVD sold. So CSS is an object lesson in how not to
design a security product.
The application of
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to DECSS.EXE and css-auth in
the 2600 case has raised the issue of the First Amendment status of
computer code, a topic of vital concern to computer scientists and
engineers. It has thus generated widespread interest in CSS
decryption software among computer scientists and academics, even
those, such as myself, who have no desire to watch DVD movies.
Here are some
examples of how CSS has made its way into the computer science
curriculum. Gregory Kesden, who teaches an undergraduate computer
science course on Operating Systems at Carnegie Mellon University,
now includes a lecture on the CSS encryption scheme. His lecture
notes are available on the web at
Professor Greg Newby at the University of North Carolina also
covers CSS in his course Distributed Systems and Analysis; see
for more information.
MIT held a two-session seminar on Decrypting DVD
in January 2001. The speakers included two undergraduates, Keith
Winstein and Marc Horowitz, plus Professor Hal Abelson of the MIT
Laboratory for Computer Science, Harvard Law School Professor
Jonathan Zittrain of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
at Harvard Law School, and David Barr, lead engineer for C-Cubed
Microsystems. As part of this event, Winstein and Horowitz
dissected the CSS encryption scheme and presented the world's
shortest CSS decryption algorithm: a 7-line program in the Perl
computer language (later shortened to 6 lines). They demonstrated
the algorithms correctness for the audience by decrypting and
playing a portion of the movie The Matrix. Their Perl
program has been published in the July/August 2001 issue of the
MIT-published journal Technology Review as part of the article The
Net Effect: The DVD Rebellion, by Simson Garfinkel.
Technology Review is a print journal, but the article is also
available on the web at
(A copy of the print version of this article is attached as Exhibit
B.) Wired Magazine also published the source code in an article on
March 7, 2001, available on the web at
(A copy of the print version of this article is attached as Exhibit
C.) The publication of the Winstein and Horowitz work inspired an
MIT alumnus, Charles M. Hannum, to devise a 7-line C program to
implement the same algorithm. Both these programs attracted
considerable media attention, including a March 8, 2001 article in
ZDNet News that was picked up by USA Today and MSNBC, plus articles
in Slashdot and The Register. Further publicity came when Phil
Carmody, a computer scientist in the United Kingdom, found ways to
encode these tiny programs as prime numbers. More information on
these programs and their prime number encodings is available at the
Gallery of CSS Descramblers.
Another indication of
the growing familiarity with CSS in the computer science community
is the appearance of new video playing software that includes DVD
decryption. Videolan (www.videolan.org)
was created as an academic project by a group at the Ecole Centrale
Paris. A listing of the students involved and their faculty
advisors may be found at http://www.videolan.org/team.html.
Similarly, Ogle was created by a group at Chalmers University of
Technology in Sweden; see
for their names. Both Videolan and Ogle are distributed under the
GNU Public License, allowing anyone to download and read the source
The technical details
of how CSS works and how it can be defeated are now widely known.
Not only are the early decryption programs DECSS.EXE and css-auth
still available, but they have been joined by more sophisticated
solutions using a cryptographic attack (based on Frank Stevensons
work), and a profusion of more refined DVD descrambling software
that is both more reliable and easier to use. The story of how CSS
was defeated will almost certainly be included in the next
generation of security and cryptography textbooks as a perfect
example of why the security through obscurity approach
does not work.
At this point, there
is nothing secret about DVD encryption. The cat has been long out
of the bag. In fact, shes produced several litters of
DAVID S. TOURETZKY, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws
of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: _______________
David S. Touretzky