APPENDIX A: Standard Federal Regions and Federal Executive Boards Standard Federal Regions Standard Federal administrative regions were established to achieve more uniformity in the location and geographic jurisdiction of Federal field offices. Standard regions are a basis for promoting more systematic coordination among agencies and Federal, S tate, and local governments and for securing management improvements and economies through greater interagency and intergovernmental cooperation. OMB Circular A-105, Standard Federal Regions, provides further guidance on the policies and requirements gove rning standard administrative regions. Boundaries were drawn and regional office locations designated for 10 regions, and agencies are required to adopt the uniform system when changes are made or new offices established. A map showing the standard bounda ries is printed on the following page. The regional structures of agencies not conforming to the uniform regional system can be found in the tables accompanying their descriptions, when provided by the agency. For further information, contact the General Management Division, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. Phone, 202-395-5090. Federal Executive Boards Federal Executive Boards (FEB's) were established by Presidential directive (a memorandum for heads of Federal departments and agencies dated November 13, 1961) to improve internal Federal management practices and to provide a central focus for Federal pa rticipation in civic affairs in major metropolitan centers of Federal activity. They carry out their functions under the supervision and control of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Federal Executive Boards are composed of heads of Federal field offices in the metropolitan area. A Chairman is elected annually from among the membership to provide overall leadership to the Board's operations. Committees and task forces carry out intera gency projects consistent with the Board's missions. Federal Executive Boards serve as a means for disseminating information within the Federal Government and for promoting discussion of Federal policies and activities of importance to all Federal executives in the field. Currently, Federal Executive Boards are located in 28 metropolitan areas that are important centers of Federal activity. These areas are: Albuquerque-Santa Fe, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Detroit, Honolulu-Pacific, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, Newark, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, St. Louis, San Antonio, San Francisco, Seattle, and the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul). Federal Executive Associations, Councils, or Committees have been locally organized in over 100 other metropolitan areas to perform functions similar to the Federal Executive Boards but on a lesser scale of organization and activity. For further information, contact the Assistant for Regional Operations, Office of Personnel Management, Room 5H22L, 1900 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20415-0001. Phone, 202-606-1001. [Standard Federal Regions chart] APPENDIX B: Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms ABMC ....... American Battle Monuments Commission ACDA ....... United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACF ....... Administration for Children and Families ACUS ....... Administrative Conference of the United States ACYF ....... Administration for Children, Youth, and Families ADA ....... Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADB ....... Asian Development Bank ADD ....... Administration on Developmental Disabilities AEDS ....... Atomic Energy Detection System AFAA ....... Air Force Audit Agency AFBCMR ....... Air Force Review Board for Correction of Military Records AFCARA ....... Air Force Civilian Appellate Review Agency AFDB ....... African Development Bank AFDC ....... Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDF ....... African Development Fund AFIS ....... American Forces Information Service AFPC ....... Armed Forces Policy Council AFPEO ....... Air Force Program Executive Office AFPPS ....... American Forces Press and Publications Service AFRRI ....... Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute AFRTS ....... Armed Forces Radio and Television Service AFSC ....... Armed Forces Staff College AGRICOLA ....... Agricultural OnLine Access AIDS ....... Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMS ....... Agricultural Marketing Service Amtrak ....... National Railroad Passenger Corporation ANA ....... Administration for Native Americans AOA ....... Administration on Aging APHIS ....... Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ARC ....... Appalachian Regional Commission ARPA ....... Advanced Research Projects Agency ARS ....... Agricultural Research Service ASCS ....... Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service ATSDR ....... Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry BEA ....... Bureau of Economic Analysis BIA ....... Bureau of Indian Affairs BIB ....... Board for International Broadcasting BJA ....... Bureau of Justice Assistance BJS ....... Bureau of Justice Statistics BLM ....... Bureau of Land Management BLMRCP ....... Bureau of Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Programs BLS ....... Bureau of Labor Statistics BPA ....... Bonneville Power Administration BSC's ....... Business Service Centers BTS ....... Bureau of Transportation Statistics BVA ....... Board of Veterans Appeals C\4\ ....... Command, Control, Communication, and Computer Systems CALS/CE ....... Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support/Concurrent Engineering Program CBO ....... Congressional Budget Office CCC ....... Commodity Credit Corporation; Customs Cooperation Council CCEA ....... Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs CCR ....... Commission on Civil Rights CDBG ....... Community Development Block Grants CDC ....... Centers for Disease Control CEA ....... Council of Economic Advisers CEQ ....... Council on Environmental Quality CFA ....... Commission of Fine Arts CFR ....... Code of Federal Regulations CFTC ....... Commodity Futures Trading Commission CG ....... Commanding General CHAMPVA ....... Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration CIDS ....... Computer Information Delivery Service CIO ....... Central Imagery Office C\3\I ....... Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence C\4\I ....... Communication, Command, Control, Computer, and Intelligence CIA ....... Central Intelligence Agency CIC ....... Consumer Information Center CMHS ....... Center for Mental Health Services CNO ....... Chief of Naval Operations Conrail ....... Consolidated Rail Corporation CPSC ....... Consumer Product Safety Commission CRS ....... Congressional Research Service; Community Relations Service CSA ....... Community Services Administration CSAP ....... Center for Substance Abuse Prevention CSAT ....... Center for Substance Abuse Treatment CSRS ....... Cooperative State Research Service CUFT ....... Center for the Utilization of Federal Technology DA ....... Department of the Army DAU ....... Defense Acquisition University DCAA ....... Defense Contract Audit Agency DCASR's ....... Defense Contract Administration Services Regions DCS ....... Defense Communications System DEA ....... Drug Enforcement Administration DIA ....... Defense Intelligence Agency DINFOS ....... Defense Information School DIPEC ....... Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center DIS ....... Defense Investigative Service DISA ....... Defense Information Services Activity; Defense Information Systems Agency DISAM ....... Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management DLA ....... Defense Logistics Agency DLSA ....... Defense Legal Services Agency DMA ....... Defense Mapping Agency DMFO ....... Defense Medical Facilities Office DMS ....... Defense Mapping School DMSA ....... Defense Medical Support Activity DMSSC ....... Defense Medical Systems Support Center DNA ....... Defense Nuclear Agency DOC ....... Department of Commerce DOD ....... Department of Defense DODDS ....... Department of Defense Dependents Schools DOE ....... Department of Energy DOL ....... Department of Labor DOT ....... Department of Transportation DSAA ....... Defense Security Assistance Agency DTSA ....... Defense Technology Security Administration EDA ....... Economic Development Administration EEOC ....... Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EIA ....... Energy Information Administration EO ....... Executive order EOUSA ....... Executive Office for United States Attorneys EPA ....... Environmental Protection Agency ERA ....... Economic Regulatory Administration ERS ....... Economic Research Service ES ....... Extension Service ESA ....... Employment Standards Administration ETA ....... Employment and Training Administration Eximbank ....... Export-Import Bank of the United States FAA ....... Federal Aviation Administration Farmer Mac ....... Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation FAS ....... Foreign Agricultural Service FBI ....... Federal Bureau of Investigation FCA ....... Farm Credit Administration FCC ....... Federal Communications Commission FCIA ....... Foreign Credit Insurance Association FCIC ....... Federal Crop Insurance Corporation FDA ....... Food and Drug Administration FDIC ....... Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FEB's ....... Federal Executive Boards FEC ....... Federal Election Commission FEDRIP ....... Federal Research in Progress Database FEMA ....... Federal Emergency Management Agency FERC ....... Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FFB ....... Federal Financing Bank FGIS ....... Federal Grain Inspection Service FHA ....... Federal Housing Administration FHFB ....... Federal Housing Finance Board FHWA ....... Federal Highway Administration FIA ....... Federal Insurance Administration FIC ....... Federal Information Centers FIRS ....... Federal Information Relay Service FICO ....... Financing Corporation FLETC ....... Federal Law Enforcement Training Center FLRA ....... Federal Labor Relations Authority FMC ....... Federal Maritime Commission FMCS ....... Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FmHA ....... Farmers Home Administration FMS ....... Financial Management Service FNMA ....... Federal National Mortgage Association FNS ....... Food and Nutrition Service FOIA ....... Freedom of Information Act FOMC ....... Federal Open Market Committee FPRS ....... Federal Property Resources Service FR ....... Federal Register FRA ....... Federal Railroad Administration FRS ....... Federal Reserve System FSIS ....... Food Safety and Inspection Service FSLIC ....... Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation FSS ....... Federal Supply Service FSTS ....... Federal Secure Telephone Service FTC ....... Federal Trade Commission FTS ....... Federal Telecommunications System FWS ....... Fish and Wildlife Service GAO ....... General Accounting Office GATT ....... General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GNMA ....... Government National Mortgage Association GPO ....... Government Printing Office GSA ....... General Services Administration HCFA ....... Health Care Financing Administration HDS ....... Office of Human Development Services HHS ....... Department of Health and Human Services HIV ....... Human Immunodeficiency Virus HRA ....... Health Resources Administration HUD ....... Department of Housing and Urban Development IAEA ....... International Atomic Energy Agency IAF ....... Inter-American Foundation IBRD ....... International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICAF ....... Industrial College of the Armed Forces ICAO ....... International Civil Aviation Organization IDB ....... Inter-American Development Bank ICC ....... Interstate Commerce Commission ICES ....... International Council for the Exploration of the Seas ICO ....... International Coffee Organization IDA ....... International Development Association; Institute for Defense Analyses IDCA ....... United States International Development Cooperation Agency IEVS ....... Income Eligibility Verification Systems IFAD ....... International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC ....... International Finance Corporation IGDOD ....... Inspector General, Department of Defense IHA's ....... Indian Housing Authorities IHS ....... Indian Health Service ILO ....... International Labor Organization IMF ....... International Monetary Fund IMS ....... Institute of Museum Services INF ....... Intermediate-range nuclear forces INS ....... Immigration and Naturalization Service INTERPOL ....... International Criminal Police Organization IOM ....... International Organization for Migration IRMC ....... Information Resources Management College IRMS ....... Information Resources Management Service IRS ....... Internal Revenue Service ITA ....... International Trade Administration ITAR ....... International Traffic in Arms Regulations ITU ....... International Telecommunication Union IVHS ....... Intelligent Vehicle-Highway System JAG ....... Judge Advocate General JCEWS ....... Joint Command, Control, and Electronic Warfare School JCS ....... Joint Chiefs of Staff JCSOS ....... Joint and Combined Staff Officer School JICST ....... Japan International Center of Science and Technology JTC\3\A ....... Joint Tactical Command, Control, and Communications Agency MA ....... Maritime Administration MBDA ....... Minority Business Development Agency MBFR ....... Mutual and balanced force reduction MED ....... Office of Medical Services (State) MHSS ....... Military Health Services System MIGA ....... Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MMS ....... Minerals Management Service MSHA ....... Mine Safety and Health Administration MSPB ....... Merit Systems Protection Board MSSD ....... Model Secondary School for the Deaf MTB ....... Materials Transportation Bureau NARA ....... National Archives and Records Administration NASA ....... National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASS ....... National Agricultural Statistics Service NATO ....... North Atlantic Treaty Organization NBS ....... National Biological Survey; National Bureau of Standards NCB ....... National Cooperative Bank NCC ....... National Coordinating Committee NCI ....... National Cancer Institute NCIC ....... National Cartographic Information Center NCJRS ....... National Criminal Justice Reference Service NCPC ....... National Capital Planning Commission NCS ....... National Cemetery System NCUA ....... National Credit Union Administration NDU ....... National Defense University NEH ....... National Endowment for the Humanities NEL ....... National Engineering Laboratory NHI ....... National Highway Institute NHPRC ....... National Historical Publications and Records Commission NHTSA ....... National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NIC ....... National Institute of Corrections NIE ....... National Institute of Education NIH ....... National Institutes of Health NIJ ....... National Institute of Justice NIS ....... Naval Investigative Service NIST ....... National Institute of Standards and Technology NLM ....... National Library of Medicine NLRB ....... National Labor Relations Board NMCS ....... National Military Command System NML ....... National Measurement Laboratory NOAA ....... National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOS ....... National Ocean Survey NPS ....... National Park Service NRC ....... Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRWA ....... National Rural Water Association NSA ....... National Security Agency NSC ....... National Security Council NSF ....... National Science Foundation NSTL ....... National Space Technology Laboratories NTIA ....... National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTID ....... National Technical Institute for the Deaf NTIS ....... National Technical Information Service (Commerce) NTSB ....... National Transportation Safety Board NWC ....... National War College OA ....... Office of Administration OAS ....... Organization of American States OASTP ....... Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy OCHAMPUS ....... Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services OCS ....... Office of Community Services; Officer Candidate School; Outer Continental Shelf OCSE ....... Office of Child Support Enforcement OECD ....... Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OES ....... Office of Employment Security OFA ....... Office of Family Assistance OFCC ....... Office of Federal Contract Compliance OFM ....... Office of Financial Management OFR ....... Office of the Federal Register OGE ....... Office of Government Ethics OGPS ....... Office of Grants and Program Systems OJJDP ....... Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJP ....... Office of Justice Programs OMB ....... Office of Management and Budget OMIS ....... Office of Management and Information Systems OPFI ....... Office of Program and Fiscal Integrity OPIC ....... Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPM ....... Office of Personnel Management OPO's ....... Organ procurement organizations ORM ....... Office of Regional Management ORR ....... Office of Refugee Relief; Office of Refugee Resettlement OSC ....... Office of Special Counsel OSCE ....... Office of Child Support Enforcement OSDBU ....... Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization OSF ....... Office of Space Flight OSHA ....... Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHRC ....... Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission OSM ....... Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement OSSD ....... Office of Space Systems Development OSTP ....... Office of Science and Technology Policy OT ....... Office of Transportation OTA ....... Office of Technology Assessment; Office of Technical Assistance OTAA ....... Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance OTS ....... Office of Thrift Supervision OVC ....... Office for Victims of Crime OVI ....... Office of Voluntarism Initiatives OWBO ....... Office of Women's Business Ownership PADC ....... Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation PAHO ....... Pan American Health Organization PBGC ....... Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation PBS ....... Public Buildings Service PCC ....... Panama Canal Commission PHA's ....... Public Housing Agencies PHS ....... Public Health Service PLBB ....... Patent Licensing Bulletin Board PRC ....... Postal Rate Commission PTO ....... Patent and Trademark Office PWBA ....... Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration RDA ....... Rural Development Administration REA ....... Rural Electrification Administration REFCORP ....... Resolution Funding Corporation RETRF ....... Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund RFE ....... Radio Free Europe RICO ....... Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations RIT ....... Rochester Institute of Technology RL ....... Radio Liberty ROTC ....... Reserve Officer Training Corps RRB ....... Railroad Retirement Board RSA ....... Rehabilitation Services Administration RSPA ....... Research and Special Programs Administration RTB ....... Rural Telephone Bank RTC ....... Resolution Trust Corporation SAIF ....... Savings Association Insurance Fund SAMHSA ....... Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAO ....... Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory SAVE ....... Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement SBA ....... Small Business Administration SCS ....... Soil Conservation Service SEC ....... Securities and Exchange Commission SERC ....... Smithsonian Environmental Research Center SGLI ....... Servicemen's Group Life Insurance SIDS ....... Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SITES ....... Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service SLS ....... Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation SPC ....... South Pacific Commission SRDC ....... State Rural Development Councils SSA ....... Social Security Administration SSI ....... Supplemental Security Income Program SSS ....... Selective Service System START ....... Strategic arms reduction talks Stat. ....... United States Statutes at Large TDA ....... Trade and Development Agency TFCS ....... Treasury Financial Communication System TSI ....... Transportation Safety Institute TVA ....... Tennessee Valley Authority UDAG ....... Urban Development Action Grants UIS ....... Unemployment Insurance Service U.N. ....... United Nations\1\ (FOOTNOTE) (FOOTNOTE) \1\Acronyms for other U.N. agencies can be found under Selected Multilateral Organizations, beginning on page 793. UNESCO ....... United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF ....... United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) UNICOR ....... Federal Prison Industries, Inc. UPU ....... Universal Postal Union USA ....... United States Army USAF ....... United States Air Force USAID ....... United States Agency for International Development U.S.C. ....... United States Code USCG ....... United States Coast Guard USDA ....... United States Department of Agriculture USES ....... United States Employment Service USGS ....... United States Geological Survey USIA ....... United States Information Agency USITC ....... United States International Trade Commission USMC ....... United States Marine Corps USN ....... United States Navy USNCB ....... United States National Central Bureau USRA ....... United States Railway Association USTTA ....... United States Travel and Tourism Administration VA ....... Department of Veterans Affairs VETS ....... Veterans' Employment and Training Service VGLI ....... Veterans Group Life Insurance VISTA ....... Volunteers in Service to America VOA ....... Voice of America WAPA ....... Western Area Power Administration WHO ....... World Health Organization WHS ....... Washington Headquarters Services WIC ....... Special supplemental food program for Women, Infants, and Children WIN ....... Work Incentive program WMO ....... World Meteorological Organization WTO ....... World Tourism Organization WWMCCS ....... Worldwide Military Command and Control System YCC ....... Youth Conservation Corps