Activism & Government
NOTE: the "wh" in filenames in this directory means
"White House".
Files in this Archive
- 20030407_nepa_comments.php
- EFF letter to the USDA Content Analysis Team
regarding proposed rule 219.19(d)(1) which would limit public participation
in the rulemaking process by disqualifying "[f]orm letters, check-off lists,
pre-printed post cards, or similar duplicative materials" from consideration.
- 960924_cap_house_docs_online.letter
- Letter to the US House of
Representatives from Congressional Accountability Project, EFF, and
many other groups (+ over 700 citizens) demanding online access to
vital Congressional documents. Even the Dept. of Justice civil librarian
signed on. Introductory message is followed by the letter, which goes
into considerable detail about which documents are needed, and why.
If you've ever wondered what lobbyists get to see that you don't, read
- 960923_sf_netdemo.announce
- Press release about a public Internet
demonstration organized in San Francisco. May serve as a good model for
similar events in other areas.
- activ_groups.faq
- This has been replaced by
- Stanton McCandlish's brief tipsheet for writing
online action alerts. A solid set of clear dos and don'ts, based
on several years of direct experience.
- activ_online.faq
- Jim Warren's March 1994 FAQ-like discussion of how
citizens can pursue Net grassroots political activism.
- activ_resource.faq
- This has been replaced by
- activ_techniques.summary
- Jim Warren's brief summary of 3 techniques for
grassroots political action, particularly dealing with the press and
- activists.eff
- A guide to on-line activism, with a list of resources
available on the Internet. Updated 5/25/95.
- alerts_online.faq
- An article from The Network Observer 1/94 (v 1 n 1)
containing guidelines on preparing Internet-based "action alerts."
- bad_alert.example
- An example of how not to write an "action alert"
complete with critiques.
- baptista_activist.article
- Tom Evans' April 1994 article discussing Dr.
Joe Baptista's "war with the government" Biography of an online
activist in Canada.
- Eric Postpischil's September 1990 updated
Bill of Rights Status Report discussing important happenings related
to our rights.
- biotech_patent.rfc
- September 1994 Notice of Public Hearings and Request
for Comments on Patent Protection for Biotechnological Inventions
including background information and a discussion of issues for
public discussion.
- brainwashing_techniques.article
- Disck Sutphen's c. March 1990 article
discussing Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The
Public Today. This file is provided for its ideas on the use of the
media in controlling populations, not for it's political conspiracy
speculations. Includes a historical look, a biological look and
technical look at brainwashing.
- ca_activism.article
Not just a history of how online activism made a new law pass, but
also serves as a how-to manual on using online media politically and
- 1994 ASCII version of Citizens' Guide To The Net.
Info that every online activists should know.
- community_resources.list
- This is a list of Internet/BITnet mailing lists
which focus on or deal with Community, Civic, Rural, or Local issues,
people, culture and governments. This especially includes information
on that which has a direct relation to or effect on these things, such
as community networking, access to public information, and the
National Information Infrastructure. updated August 1994
- October 1993 " On the Need for Free
Competition in the Legal Information Field" by Carole Hafner
relating to JURIS system
- conf_organizing_notes_agre.article
- Phil Agre's article, "Notes on
Organizing Conferences". Brief but detailed observations of the
pifalls and must-do's of organizing real-world conferences and
other events.
- congress_lags.article
- From Computer underground Digest 6.17 Feb 1994.
"Congress Is Lagging Behind In Getting Online" by David Batterson.
- congress_94_report.card
- Explanation of telecommunications and cryptography
issues faced by Congress in 1994 and grades for all senators and
representatives based on how they voted on these issues.
- corp_public_cybercast.proposal
- April 1993 article " TOWARD THE
which outlines the need, structure, and rationale for a "Corporation
for Public Cybercasting" -- an organization which would do for
public access information age services what the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting do for Public Radio and T.V.
- deadly_ds.article
- Article by International Advocates for Health
Freedom's John C. Hammell, on governments methods for getting rid
of pesky opposition. The Deady Ds are: deny, delay, divide, discredit,
- doj_court_rulings_online.announce
- Announcement about Justice Department
efforts to improve public access to court rulings (released 9/2/94)
- doj_legal_docs_online_conyers.letter
- Letter from Reps. Conyers and Sabo
regarding potential congressional objections to the Justice
Department plan to improve access to court rulings (see
- dol_bls_online.announce
- announcement of the U.S. Department of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics' ftp server
- drug_legalization_groups.list
- October 1993 international list of over 200
organizations which support drug law reform, although most of them are
in the US.
- edgar_grant.announce
- TAP-INFO Internet Distribution List's November 1993
announcement that Congressman Edward Markey (D-MA) announced that
the National Science Foundation would fund a pilot project to place
the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Electronic Data
Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) system online for users of
the Internet.
- edgar_threatened_by_IIA_1095.alert
- TAP/IMS alert regarding threats to
the new govt-maintained SEC EDGAR database from IIA lobbyists. Act soon.
This dates to Oct. 95, so consider it old and of nothing but historical
interest by Jan. 96.
- elec_rights_ala.papers
- ASCII version of "Citizen Rights and Access to
Electronic Information: A Collection of Background Essays"
distributed at the American Library Association conference in July
- epa_online.note
- Table of Contents from ACCESS EPA, a compilation of
every identifiable information resource within the Environmental
Protection Agency. Included are publications, databases, libraries,
dockets, hotlines, bulletin boards, records contacts, and
clearinghouses. At the end of the Contents Section is information on
how to get a copy of ACCESS EPA either as a publication or an
electronic file via online access to an EPA computer.
- fbi_anti-activism.bulletin
- FBI bulletin on how police should deal with
(and spy on) activist individuals and groups. Focuses on
anti-abortionists, but has many valuable lessons on what not to do if
you want your rally to not be raided. Jan. 1996.
- fcc_online.note
- Feb 1994 announcement that the FCC Daily Digest, the FCC
News Releases, some Public Notices, and speeches by Commission
officials will be accessible by Internet.
- fec_online.note
- The FEC is asking Congress for $1.5 million in fiscal
1995 to set up an on-line system for tracking how political
candidates raise and spend their donations. (Tampa Tribune 2/22/94)
- E-Mail Policy in Federal Government
Report of the Electronic Mail Task Force Prepared for the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Apr. 1, 1994
- fins_media_tracking.announce
- March 1994 FINS special report. "FINS
Cultural Context of the Emerging Information Age"
- foia.kit
- Freedom of Information Act Kit - how to use FOIA to get
gov't documents - includes a walk through of the entire process,
including appeals, as well as samples of forms, etc. Great!
- gao_online.announce
- April 1994 announcement that The U.S. General
Accounting Office, Congress' Watchdog agency, now has available a
daily electronic posting of released reports.
- global_civil_soc_networks.paper
- "Computer Networks and the Emergence of
Global Civil Society: The Case of the Association for Progressive
Communications", paper presented at the Annual Conf. on Peace Studies,
Boulder CO, Feb. 28, 1992, by Howard H. Frederick. Excerpt: "The growth interdependent communication relations has been greatly
accelerated by the advent of decentralizing communication technologies
such as computer networking. Global civil society as represented by
the "NGO Movement" (nongovernmental organizations) now represents a
force in international relations, one that circumvents hegemony of
markets and of governments. This paper outlines the concept of global
civil society and the NGO Movement, describes the obstacles that they
face from governments and transnational corporations, and sketches the
emergence of the Association for Progressive Communications network
as an illustration of this worldwide phenomenon.'
- gore_cis.transcript
- transcript of VP Gore's Jan electronic town meeting
- govinfo_online.faq
- Feb 1994 list of Internet Sources of Government
Information by Blake Gumprecht
- govt_online_rose.article
- April 1994 note by Robert Park overviewing the
forward looking opinions of Rep Rose.
- gpo_online.announce
- September 1994 announcement that the U.S. Government
Printing Office will put congressional bills online.
- hr3627_activism.article
- Evidence that online activism works related to
H.R. 3627
- hr_online.announce
- info on House of Representatives WWW page
- WIRED 1.2 article "The Cursor Cowboy" by Jacques
Leslie about the life and times of Dave Hughes.
- iitf.faq
- fact sheet on the Information Infrastructure Task Force
- iitf_bbs.announce
- December 1993 announcement of the Information
Infrastructure Task Force's new BBS
- iitf_contact_info.faq
- information on contacting IITF members
- index.html
- WWW index of this directory.
- k12_fed_prog_contact.list
- list of contacts relating to networking K-12
- lanl_online.announce
- March 1994 Announcement of a new gopher server at
Los Alamos Nat'l. Labs., New Mexico:
- lobby_techniques.faq
- May 1994 FAQ on Lobbying/Advocacy Techniques. how
to increase the efficiency of grassroots efforts. By Ira Borenstein
- locis.note
- Announcement that the Library of Congress Information System
(LOCIS) is now available over the Internet at telnet
- make_cjr.kit
- Attorney Lee Tien's kit for making Commodity Jurisdiction
Requests for cryptographic items (you file such a request to, if you
are lucky, move jurisdiction over your crypto product from the State
Dept. with it's harsh ITAR regulations, to the Commerce Dept. with its
more lax GTDA regs.)
- mcbride_demographics.disclaimer
- notice from JS McBride Co. announcing
abandonment of McBride's plan to sell market demographic info gained
my net monitoring (abandoned due to outcry from net users).
- media_online.list
- This is a listing of newspapers, magazines, TV
stations and other media outlets that accept electronic submissions
from readers and viewers, along with their main e-mail addresses.
Updated March 1994 by Adam Gaffin.
- nasa_patent_lawyer.list
- Patent counsel for the various NASA laboratories
- net_campaign.article
- various examples of net activism
- nist_online.list
- NIST Contact Info and Online Resources updated Apr 1994
by Stanton McCandlish
- nonprofit_resource.faq
- A guide to internet resources for non-profit
public services organizations compiled by Sarah Nesbeitt and Richard
Truxall School of Information and Library Studies at The University of
Michigan. For latest WWW version, see:
- npat_test.note
- Feb 1994 discussion of NPAT - The Politician's Report
Card! The NPAT or National Political Awareness Test was given to
all candidates for federal office in the the 1992 General Election.
- nsa_doesnt_care.article
- Steve Miller's April 1994 discussion of the
NSA's attitudes about Clipper policy and what they will and will not
listen to from opposition.
- nsf_stis.announce
- information about obtaining information from the NSF
via modem or Internet
- ntia_staff.list
- National Telecommunications and Information
Administration phone roster (3/95)
- nwf_president.letter
- an open letter to the President from the Nat'l.
Wildlife Federation asking Clinton to establish procedures for all
Federal agencies to accept comments on public notices via email.
- omb_gils.notice
- draft bulletin from the OMB formally establishing a
Government Information Locator Service (GILS)
- online_activism_thoughts_agre.article
- Phil Agre's short article, "Some
thoughts about political activity on the Internet", which makes several
astute observations about political action online, its successes, and
its failings.
- or_elections_net_influence.announce
- 2 VTW press releases detailing how
the net.constituency was decisive in Oregon US Senate election, and how
online entrepreneurs in the area affected candidate's positions on
net-related issues. Jan. 1996.
- ota_online.announce
- announcement of the Office of Technology
Assessment's online information resources
- patent_server.announce
- Announcement of Gregory Aharonian's patent
searching e-mail server where you can get a list of patents by
specifying the class/subclass.
- list providing the class number and class title for
the US Patent Classification. ASCII files with the subclasses for
any one class can be requested for the Patent Titles Email Server
described in patent_server.announce
- pff_online_activism.critique
- Richard F. O'Donnell writing for the
Progress and Freedom Foundation: "Courting Irrelevance: The Digerati
Needs to Learn How to Make Friends and Win Influence in Washington".
A stinging, but constructive, criticism of online activism efforts to
date. May 3, 1996.
- priv_sec_resource.list
- non-net Resources for Privacy Seekers & Computer
Security Buffs compiled by David Johnson on March 12, 1994.
- privacy.kit
- This is a 1993 "toolkit" of resources and information about
privacy. it reviews books, Newsletters and Journals,
Reports/Pamphlets, Advocacy Groups, and Online Resources for
Computer Users.
- psychwar.primer
- Jeff Davis' "Psychological Warfare Primer for Online
Activists" "Since we are engaged in Revolutionary War in
Cyberspace, it would behoove us who are actively participating to
have a delineation of strategy, tactics, and operations of guerilla
warfare eidetic to this medium. Our Guerilla Warfare Operating
Area, (GWOA), is the internet, with its peculiar strategic advantages
and vulnerabilities. The genius of Patton's campaign in North Africa
was the result of simple reading comprehension skills; he read Rommel's
book. This primer on psychological warfare is prepared for your
perusal offering fundamental intelligence to increase the probability
of success in engagements with the competition."
- repression.biblio
- This is the reading list circulated by Phil Agee at
his Speakout lectures. updated January 1991.
- rose_gpo_access_s564.bill
- s564 "Government Printing Office Electronic
Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993"
- russian_coup_netuse.article
- Laurence Press' August 1991 collection of
information and postings related to how the Internet was used in the
Russian coup.
- senate_ftp.rules
- usage policies and rules for the Senate ftp server
- senate_online.note
- announcement of A new FTP site that has been put
online to hold the publicly available documents and press
releases of our Senators.
- social_computing_pagre.paper
- Paper titled "Computing as a Social
Practice" by Philip Agre, discussing a broad range of theoretical and
practical work over the last decade on the relationship between
computer technology and society. Covers various topics from activism
to research to online social responsibility.
- stealthwatchers.article
- WIRED 2.02 article "Armed with Radio Shack
scanners and PCs, Steve Douglass and a small group of private
citizens are unmasking the US Defense Department's black-budget
aircraft. Phil Patton reports from Dreamland."
- tap_gingrich_access_95.letters
- Open letters initiated by Taxpayer Assets
Project, and signed onto by several other organizations, including EFF,
and (petition-wise) by many members of the online public, to Speaker of
the US House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, demanding that Gingrich
expand online access to Congressional records and bill texts, as per
Gingrich's campaign promises.
- tap_sec_edgar_0895.letter
- Open letter from Taxpayer Assets Project
to Securities & Exchange Commission regarding the SEC EDGAR database
and its future.
- technology_freedom.paper
- Lev Anderson's November 1993 draft of
an honors thesis entitled 'Technology and Freedom', which
outlines various philosophical approaches the technological
and compares these to social institutions.
- tiiap_ntia.faq
- Telecommmunications and Information Infrastructure
Assistance Program fact sheet
- us_95_budget_online.announce
- Feb 1994 announcement that The U.S.
Department of Commerce in cooperation with the Office of Management
and Budget(OMB) will produce the Budget of the United States
Government, Fiscal Year 1995 in electronic format using compact
disc-read only memory (CD-ROM) and on-line computer delivery methods.
- us_polit_groups.note
- list of top 5 political groupings in the US according
to a 1995 survey. The numbers are rather surprising.
- west_v_doj.annouce
- announcement of the Department of Justices
investigation into West Publishing.
- wh_e-pubs_stats.note
- Of the estimated 120,000 to 140,000 daily recipients
of electronic documents issued by the White House, 85% are under age
50; 80% are male; 75% are college educated; and 50% have a post-graduate
degree, according to research done earlier this year at MIT. (Investor's
Business Daily 9/15/94 A2)
- wh_email_records.article
- WIRED 1.6 Article by Brock Meeks describing
that " Computer tapes containing White House e-mail going back to
1980 are now protected by law as federal records and as such are
susceptible to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests." article
discusses the campaign to achieve this and the implications.
- wh_online.faq
- April 1994 White House Electronic Publications and Public
Access e-mail FAQ.
- wh_phone_boondoggle.article
- WIRED 2.01 article by Brock Meeks discussing
the mismanagement of White House telephone policy.
Subdirectories in This Archive
- The ACTION (ACTIvism ONline) Working Group archives
- Congress_contact/
- Directory containing databases and lists of US Congress
contact info, including lists of phone & fax numbers and email addresses.
- E-voting/
- Directory for info on electronic voting and digital direct
democracy systems and ideas.
- Exec_Jud_branches/
- Directory of information, incl. contact info, for
the Executive and Judicial branches of the US government.
- Directory of information concerning the US Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) and state & foreign freedom of information and open government
laws. (A.k.a. Freedom_of_info/).
- Foreign_and_local/
- Directory of information on activism issues locally,
state-wide, (foreign) nationally, and globally.
- Web (HTML) documents related to Activism
- Labor/
- Labor activism issues in cyberspace. Though EFF has no position
on labor issues, and neither do most other civil liberties groups, the
information here may be of use to other varieties of grassroots activism.
- Newin/
- Misc. unsorted information
- Old/
- Directory of old & outdated material, still of historical interest.
- Reform/
- Info on efforts to reform policies that restrict (or simply fail
to provide) online access to public documents (including campaign
finance information, legislative vote records, and many others).
- Tools/
- Software tools for activism and grassroots political action.
Related On-Site Resources
- Links to Government Servers and Information
- A few carefully chosen links as there are now a lot of other
networkers doing this job.
- Online Activism
Groups and Organizations Archive
- Legal Issues and Cases
- Legislation & Regulation
- Old alertsThis directory contains
Historical action alerts.
- Current alerts are found on the welcoming
- Profs Case
- Armstrong v. Exectutive Office of the President.
- Began in 1989 when the American Historical Association joined
Scott Armstrong and other plaintiffs in seeking a temporary injuction
to prohibit the destruction of the Nat'l Security Council's email. It
is called the PROFS case because the email system used by the NSC was
IBM's Professional Office System, (PROFS).
Links to Related Off-Site Resources
- Phil
Agre's "Designing Effective Action
Alerts for the Internet"
- A MUST READ for anyone thinking of trying their hand at online
- The
Congressional Internet Caucus
- A new group of US legislators trying to protect the Internet
- According to Ideas in Action newsletter, "the
best online directory of media Websites around the world,
including newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations,
and media associations."
- Volunteer
Activism Via the Internet
- Good index of crucial online activism resources.
- Net Action and the Virtual
- Site with a lot of general online activism resources (plus
specific campaign info for a few topics, like broadband access and
open source software).
- An Institute for First Amendment Studies database of state/federal
govt. contact info, plust activism how-tos.
- Congress.Org
- Issue Dynamics and Capitol Advantage provide free service to get
legislator info, find out bill status, etc.
- searchable database of experts on democracy around the world.
- The American Assoc.
for the Advancement of Science's
- large database of human rights organizations around the world.
- Deep Politics
- online political books (corruption of democracy, govt. coverup,
Common Cause
- Has a complete rundown of congressional financing, PAC contributions
and what the Congress is up to with your money.
- Contact Center Network's
- the Interactive Clearinghouse of Nonprofit Services, Volunteer
Opportunities, Jobs, Internships, Material and Events. This list is
combined with their Index of Internatonal Organizations. Their
Tools for Nonprofits and Community Organizations is on this same
- "Why
the Internet is Good: Community Governance that Works Well", by Joseph
- Thesis: Mechanisms of Internet governance have resolved most
Internet technical and social problems well. Not only should real world
governments tread lightly upon the Net, but they might learn something
from it.
- Privacy
- material on how to fight the implementation of national ID card schemes
Draws on direct experience fighting Big Brother ID systems in
democracies to near-dicatorships, ranging from Australia, New Zealand, the
Phillipines, Thailand, and other countries.
Technology Tip Sheets for Nonprofits
- How-to for techies with a cause