Patent Busting Project

Patent Busting Contest Over!

"The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Patent Busting Project is here to protect you from dangerously bad patents. And you can help us pick which patents we're going to bust first!" we said.

And... up until June 23rd, you could've! But unfortunately the deadline has passed, and we're no longer taking new submissions.

On June 30, the Patent Busting Project's team of tough lawyers and brainy geeks will announce the contest winners – or losers, depending on how you look at it. And that's when the real fight for great justice begins. We'll be needing your help to research prior art for each patent and offer your technical expertise or historical knowledge. Using a legal process called "reexamination," the Patent Busting Project will ultimately go to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and attempt to take those bad patents off the books.

Join us in the fight against bogus patents!

» Find out more about the Patent Busting Project.

» Donate to EFF in support of the Patent Busting Project.