EFF "Chain Letters" Archive

an antidote to chain letters that catalogs and mocks the 7 most common types of stupid Internet chain letters.
"A chain letter is a "get rich quick" scheme that promises that your mail box will soon be stuffed full of cash if you decide to participate. You're told you can make thousands of dollars every month if you follow the detailed instructions in the ..."
"In every Paradise there is at least one fatal flaw. In every mail system, there is sooner or later a chain letter." Discussion of chain letters and pyramid schemes on the Web.
Updated netiquette classic - a humorously sarcastic guide to avoiding online hoaxes, chain letters, and frauds (and avoiding being someone known for perpetuating them.) Bonus: also includes the "Bad Times Virus" parody, and the "bOING bOING Anti- Chain Letter".
a parody of a typical Net hoax, intended to mock such hoaxes and chain letters and to "innoculate" the reader against the "Internet Gullibility Virus."
Chain letter promising good luck to those who continue the chain. Most of the file is headers from forwarded messages.
Chain letter promising good luck to those who continue the chain. Most of the file is headers from forwarded messages.
The letter contained in lucky.letter, but without the annoying headers.
"Hi, my name's Eric Garrison, and you're not going to believe this, but a year ago I was destitute, but with the help of a junky old ADM-5 terminal and a 300bps modem, I became fabulously wealthy. How did I ..."
FAQ about pyramid schemes on the web.
Yet another classic, and stupid, Internet chain letter.
EFF Spam Archive

Links to Related Off-Site Resources

(this news: link will work only if your local site carries this newsgroup)
alt.current-events.net-abuse FAQs
The US Postal Service's comments on Chain Letters
Chain letter archive
a lot of the chain mails along with a debunking explaining any historical backings, etc.