EFF PGP PUBLIC KEY FOR ENCRYPTION ================================= The Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell St. San Francisco CA 94110 USA +1 415 436 9333 (voice) +1 415 436 9993 (fax) membership@eff.org This is the ASCII-armored PGP 2.63 public key for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). It is compatible with PGP vers. 2.2 - 5.x. PGP is an ecryption (data security encoding) program, available for DOS, OS/2, Unix, Macintosh and several other platforms. PGP is the de facto Internet standard for encryption, and is available from many Web sites, ftp archives and other online services. (If you have trouble locating PGP, see http://www.pgp.com for the commercial version.) Note that mail sent with this key will be considered addressed to EFF in general, not to a specific person, unless otherwise noted in plaintext. To send encrypted personal mail to someone at EFF, for whatever reason, please use that person's own key, or arrange some other method of communication. This key is provided principally for the sending of sensitive legal information, and the transmission of credit card numbers over the Net securely when becoming a member of EFF. It takes us time and effort to decrypt, so please don't use this key trivially. If sending something other than a membership form, please begin your "Subject:" line with "URGENT -" (unless it's non-urgent of course). Thank you. Please expect a delay, as the message will have to be transferred to another system for decryption (we do not keep PGP or our secret keys on our Internet systems for security reasons.) To add this key to your PGP key ring, save the key as a text file called pgpkey.eff, then use the following DOS or Unix commandline (several other platforms may also use this commandline, while others have a graphical menu system; see the documentation if you have difficulties.), in your PGP directory: pgp -ka pgpkey.eff pubring.pgp If your public key ring has another name, use that instead of "pubring.pgp". You may need to specify a full path to PGP, or otherwise modify the above command. If you have trouble, please refer to the PGP documentation and/or ask your local system administrators for help. For MacPGP before ver. 5.x, pick "Add Key" from the "Key" menu, select pgpkey.eff as the file to get the key from, and pubring.pgp (or whatever your public keyring is named) as the file to add the key to. To encrypt a message, please see the PGP documentation, and remember that you will almost certainly need to generate the result as an ASCII-armored file, so you can email it (non-ASCII-armored PGP ciphertexts are binary, and will get mangled if you try to email them.) *** NOTE! PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS *INSIDE* THE ENCRYPTED MESSAGE any time you send us crypto-mail. Please also include it in plain text just before the beginning of the encrypted text. Otherwise, we may not be able to reply, if the original email headers are lost and/or we encounter difficulties decrypting your message. The key itself: Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1024/99592FED 1994/11/21 Electronic Frontier Foundation Discard older key - it's revoked -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Business Security 5.5 mQCPAy7QlNwAAAEEAKMNCpEGP2868gPmT+5ILWveARJEFRQius+CP8hHG331YAyw beLmllnFUNLEKBKSlX9gyNL7/KKZXCaK1hbfaB7jC0f6KyK68dOeMR1jkpw73NqC i6/U9RqMBDGzzMz5dnDoqz9s5f33xrYZC+qwTKmGyh0mcFaCzJ21/+6ZWS/tABEB AAG0LEVsZWN0cm9uaWMgRnJvbnRpZXIgRm91bmRhdGlvbiA8ZWZmQGVmZi5vcmc+ iQEVAwUQMjd/P2sge5mp/i7lAQFvbAf+MS779L7gsRC6j6BDPw6cWL5faGT1WOUm mpNQNQUIr8xPG2B1FBsulYvR73gYBUfRgjfqy2g3Pmxwb8b/efO06rh2Rb6Ij0Ix ovRUkP+wvnNZZ0DS1KhgAI0NEaDS6ZpQBi21tfdQsyWth5jhTPAgYRqFsWXmIhM8 OmouNA5MUBfs43+vrAvurUTBUUbXtTDtMksUTvgwvFHxTMBhFhSwe0fE78eNMg99 Oq0DptWNyLjufV46KsMklyOQ43WndaVeUyercnUlHRpI9BvhD6eJoax/Xg5/Y3Wz eg+GoNPnR+kB4fEfQQlxoVnqVDoPw3kbtT/2uCnDMJzFNOt4b88uFokAlQMFEC7Q 9k36pYRz7/JiaQEB/LAEALXZe2z6sEWSEWFBqiuBteDn85I+DoZKgsU3AoNWoQnN DxIZUnlhjeVC8sUeSKpHvhtxT+cmimkclawyZ+ISc4db0YmuEE9CQBdaGsa9fBa1 zN50hFLTC0AWQCoSdbCJ9pugTWKI9gCwhmXDd0KTgHMfoFj+Gqg+//smU1ZULZbY iQCVAwUQLtD9b2vrl+SY3vDhAQGQZwP+J68VxdRQ/S1aIF0NplVofTbGDGd9HXfM WO1gy5T6kyQrenEiwq1lTh3aGDP19mftfnC7J7u6U1OeRxPVAjt3O0Q7RF9GLqjH ThPqC/4eEVp4i+O9UM3DTv9uU86qz8JZIwa3SKpDNA5EEglxgbmgc+ge5NwonmxV mG2zq2kiYQ2JAJUDBRAu0JWWNkCBjDT0xHEBAdEvA/wKsTTeCI8w3QlUxHtpHGaf 9cX2xCn0a0mY5kXHK9meTK9bWEzagzFFWZKFaV7CDS6mFSwHZrKIAJiBSEgrfqav tsOlJOoZHusn5VP61XPzTZDgaB1dRpUqcVvhttn37FERduUO/kaACO2qr1x3HFqf 4p6iogRCXD2Igo7NgZ8AX4kAkwMFEC7QlWadtf/umVkv7QEBDNAD8PJfriU6ss2+ fTENIV8wZWAS55mOfWkabQIFQZy3MAeNGWsB5RRF6HQklM5pVybqWc9keCZmMXPO Z5Bt+kd37qQ6RXZjHV+i4MlHx7A4xUT5Vq4L1d7VgDj9WQDFWNGaU1Sz6fIM1qpX CF2Q6BqVAY7ntS1QzL2asUs0lb94tYkAPwMFEDOOD1j3lOm9jAli1RECFBYAoMBh Aqh1SwD9GJ6OmrvHyS+rADx8AJ98FIBcwlFuWrQvB7xBmE4GEox5Y7QgRGlzY2Fy ZCBvbGRlciBrZXkgLSBpdCdzIHJldm9rZWSJAJUDBRAyOfEqnbX/7plZL+0BAQvj BACZO8Y8yYO9Y1GeMjs8WaZVEXhaH3uVv6+57EEYKR6HlUZxadSm8VDRe8qhrJ/u p+Umg6oCjj0OGx4gWO/ed3lJijS821C5vP5MOwfZf9EODoo3ai32D/oI/k6KGMhg BGSzKEQJkHgNCBYrx7+KAbDrOtgrrQTTl9GpEx7h8WLxL4kAPwMFEDOOD1j3lOm9 jAli1RECOvYAn3hKomJeer7y/PJ2gQXH3+4C8s5/AJ9dM4kMKlar++IDG93YUfaZ 7oZ174kAlQMFEDOOD5I2QIGMNPTEcQEBwjID/iJGH/SDcLpy7mMxEh2xm99RGCn8 TuGi6hAcBxMlv8qL+mr+LzhbuH+3EP+DJHvH21yN6P33/M7/nRr4UQ0RNQAQ4cjc 91H8eMe4oUdjyAngdlogCHw5BxkeFc+2ibhiIOLwAy8oCWf5W0xDPo00g/Ud5rGy nz2bZu3Jg+zIjOohiQEVAwUQM44Pq2sge5mp/i7lAQG/zggAh2N5SoCxm/oQy3A2 r9Wn3MMEaaMXxFeCUSa2ZwO0AnoQ+t2OfGMu8d6DC8Z4NCeoL4IbtfbJ1zxi0bL7 pliqVcgHuYEetFCq51dNlsEhnPxbgdVGygj9gnIX6Fxb8oQJiMLXjfW1nibPA9kc l0mIOYtEz+26FAm15IgcqR+NbNbaJ7H98KQSJvRepvT2jV/M3NR3Vv/HheYJl4JJ wgFWkbfIpEFkmqAeXRE3so26E9+D8LLhSutAYMJnNDHfUBJAir9FSePoD3/QWRz+ 7a44b16m80K7HvagRr47ffwv5wZGLftR4AF6NcIIYxUvXJd68FYtFR07r45iBs72 D3IKD7QlRUZGIDxlZmZAd2VsbC5jb20sIGVmZkB3ZWxsLnNmLmNhLnVzPrQeRUZG IDw3NjcxMS4zMTdAY29tcHVzZXJ2ZS5jb20+tBhFRkYgPDE6MTA5LzExMDhARmlk b05ldD60GUVGRiA8MTk6MTIwMi8xMDFAV2lzaE5ldD60GUVGRiA8MzY5OjEwMTEv MkBJbmRyYU5ldD60GEVGRiA8MTgxOjE5My8xQFN0b3JtTmV0Pg== =utpd -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- [Final note: beware line wrapping - key will not work if mangled!]