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EFF "Legal Issues & Policy - Multinational (United Nations, Eur. Union, etc.)" Archive

Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:41:41 PDT 2003

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Council of Europe's disturbing recommendations for new search and seizure and privacy/crypto guidelines.

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Transcripts of Asia Pacific Policy & Legal Workshop (1996).
Discussion of global and Pacific-region Internet issues. Speakers include representatives from UNCTAD, ITU, ISOC, INTA, ILPF, GILC, CIX, APNG, APNIC, PECC/APEC, and the Spanish Internet Users' Assoc.
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC)
The Global Internet Liberty Campaign advocates prohibiting prior censorship of on-line communication. Insisting that on-line free expression not be restricted by indirect means such as excessively restrictive governmental or private controls over computer hardware or software, telecommunications infrastructure, or other essential components of the Internet. (GILC has links to many other groups around the world including EFF.)
