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EFF "Legal Issues and Policy - Italy" Archive

Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:41:41 PDT 2003

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may 1994 posting describing the first nationwide crackdown on telecom nets was operated by Italian police. Dozens of people were formally accused of "distribution of illegally copied software and appropriation of secret passwords" under the law approved by Italian Parliament in January this year. In several cases police officials didn't know what to search for, thus seizing computers, floppy disks, modems along with electric outlets, answering machines, audiotapes, personal effects.

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Associazione per la Liberta' nella Comunicazione Elettronica Interattiva
(Association for Freedom in Electronic Interactive Communications) (ALCEI) (a.k.a. Electronic Frontiers Italy)(EF-Italy, EF-I). EFF cousin organization in Italy
