EFF used to have a much more extensive page at this site. Other search services do a better job. In lieu of that we are providing some of the basic links so that you can better do your own research. This will be limited to a few U.S. links and a couple of search engines.U.S. Senate:
U.S. House of Representatives:
White House:
The Congressional Internet Caucus: http://www.netcaucus.org Those in Congress who should have the most interest and knowlege of the net. To write a senator or representative you can go to the EFF web page: http://www.eff.org/congress/ where you can generate e-mails directly or find out who is your representative if you know your address and zip code. Govbot The University of Massachusetts has a service which lets you search many government data bases: http://ciir2.cs.umass.edu/Govbot. This has a fairly sophisticated search engine and can be very helpful. Yahoo!'s Government Web Directories: http://dir.yahoo.com/Government/Web_Directories/ In addition to the above sites, almost anything else you would like to find, including information on how to get in touch with a foreign government's web site is available from any good search engine. |